Jul 14, 2011

Have you missed him?

Rosco the raccoon is back with vengeance. I hope you've all missed him as much as I have.

I will take partial responsibility for this. I won't take full responsibility because I feel like that's a little harsh, although I don't know who else would be partially to blame. William? Layla? Reagan? The rain gods? Hard to say, really.

Last night another rain/thunder/hail storm not customary for Denver rolled through around 8:00. It's the 4th night in a row, and 8th straight day of rain. You'd think we live in Seattle! I was laying in bed around 9, enjoying the sound of the rain and thunder, when my whole house lit up from lightening and a huge clap of thunder sounded. Right after the thunder I heard a crash come from downstairs and heard Reagan going nuts. I assumed the thunder frightened him and caused him to knock something over. He was going crazy for the next 10 minutes, but that's par for the course. No need to worry!

This morning, though, when I opened the door from the kitchen to the garage I saw that I had left the door open. Austin's tool bucket was knocked over and strewn about, and both pet food tubs looked like they had just returned from combat.

Reagan bolted into the garage and was as puffy as ever...clearly he had been waiting all night to get in there and scare off the wild beast.

When I got close enough to the food tubs I could see raccoon prints and claw marks all over, and the poor cat food tub had especially been taken through the wringer.

Part of me feels generous in offering shelter from the hail, but part of me feels violated again. ONE night I leave the damn door open and little ol' rosco finds his way back in.

Why don't I set a trap and catch him? Cause I'm too damn scared of him. I don't wanna see his ugly face!!! So, until next time I leave the door open...

- manda

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