Jul 16, 2011

Agh stupid blogger

Let me say I wrote this post at 6 am yesterday and couldn't get the stupid app to work all day!!! Ugh. I didn't forget you Michael :)

July is another birthday monsoon in my life, and one that I'll never pass up is michael's. I first heard of his birthday in 2003 (if my memory serves me right) before I had even met him. Brittany told me about her plans to buy him his jeep and show up at his work in his jeep and a bikini. That may have been when I pin pointed that she was a wife to mimic :)

The first time I met Michael was shortly after that when he brought their beautiful babies up to work to have lunch with us. I have a special place in my heart for dads and fatherhood, and when I see a dad's face light up because of his kids my heart melts. It's far too rare, but is so precious.

Michael's not only lit up, but he lit up the entire city of Houston I think.

The pride and joy he gets from being a father brings me so much joy just by witnessing it. He is an incredible example of how to truly raise kids. Not because they are the smartest or most talented or best looking or best behaved (though they very well may be ALL of those things) - but because he raises them with all the love and support that a child needs from a dad.

I had the privilege of living with Michael for a short time, and despite the circumstances it was one of the greatest blessings in my life. As I've said before, that's when he went from being my friends husband to my friend. And I couldn't be more thankful.

I could write all day - it's easy when it's about someone as great as him. I'll just end by saying that I never would have guessed, 8 years ago when he got his jeep, that we'd ever have any sort of relationship. But now I cant Imagine not having him in my life.

Thanks for being the husband, father and friend that you are Michael - and thanks especially for being my friend. Happy birthday!

- manda

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