Jul 21, 2011

Tricked you didn't I?

I probably had 1,000 readers yesterday logging in to hear about William and instead you were forced to suffer through the sob story that is my phone life. Oops :)

I could tell you a lot about William this week. I could tell you about how his teachers said he was so good at sympathizing with his friends and trying to console them. He even offered his special blankie to one in an effort to make him stop crying!

Or I could tell you about our fun park adventure Saturday where Addie helped him climb on the big kid playgrounds

Or about our early morning trip to monkey bizness

I loved watching him push his diapers and wipes around the house after we got home. He was building his own towers ad trying to make our house into a personal monkey biz.

And I know my mom loved having William's help in watering our new plants

But really, Williams entire week can be summed up in two words:
Elmo. Shoes.

Tuesday night my mom, William and I met Brian in castle rock for my birthday dinner. We got there a little earlier than Brian so we walked into the stride rite store at the outlet mall. After all, what baby doesn't need new shoes?

William had outgrown his old crocs but still loved wearing them, so when my mom saw a similar brand of shoes with characters on them she thought he needed them. She picked up a blue pair (im not sure who the character was) and then I saw them...the perfect shoes for the elmo-obsessed boy who has never even seen sesame street

He was SO excited! He stomped around the store and kept bending over to touch elmo's eyes. When we asked where Elmo was, he proudly reached down and touched him.

Yesterday at school his memorable moment was: William wad OBSESSED with his Elmo shoes! He kept laying in the hot tub with his feet in the air saying Elmo Elmo Elmo over and over!

Then when I got home I saw that he had on only the necessities

That's my boy!!!!!

Last night when my mom gave him his bath I tried to sneak the shoes away while he was busy playing. I succeeded, and I put them on the shelf in his closet. Then after my mom got him to bed i learned that I'll have to actually HIDE the shoes.

He slept in those shoes all night!!!

I Think a trip to stride rite for size 6 Elmo shoes is in my near future, and all other shoes are useless at this point. Any suggestions on explaining to a 20 month old why he can't wear open toed shoes in the snow would be greatly appreciated, because I see that argument in our near future as well!

- manda

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