Rest and relaxation.
Its what the army offers to soldiers deployed for 9 months or longer. 2 weeks of rest and relaxation.
R&R used to be an optional use of your own accrued leave (vacation time). However, a lot of soldiers were opting out of it in order to save their time for their return home. The department of defense, with former secretary gates' wisdom, determined that it was a great morale booster and an important time for soldiers to take a breather and reconnect with families. So, the army now gives 2 free weeks off. Take it or leave it. You can't save it for later, so the theory and hope is that more soldiers will use it.
The cynic in me wants to pause and point out that 2 'free' weeks isn't quite a gift. After 9 months of working 7 days/week I'd say you are owed 9 months worth of weekends at least, which is roughly 72 days. But I'll just smile and take the 14.
It is often debated whether r&r helps or makes it harder because, while it provides a break, it demands another goodbye. Oftentimes the second goodbye is harder, and the remaining time can be more excruciating.
Austin and I began our relationship while he was deployed the first time, so the first time we sealed it with a kiss was on r&r. I usually think of that as the true beginning of our relationship. I hadn't said an emotional goodbye before, so for me I just had one. And it was just for 3 months.
His second deployment turned out to be about 8 months so it didn't warrant any vacation time. Meaning, again, I only said goodbye once.
So, very soon I will know first hand what that second goodbye is like. I can't imagine the short tease of 2 weeks followed by another gut wrenching trip to the airport. I can't imagine finally letting myself rest fully, without worry, only to have to gear up as Rosie one more time. I don't know what it will be like to just barely be used to having him home only to have to let him go again. A lot of people say it just isn't worth the pain for such a short break.
But for me that r&r has meant much more than 2 weeks. It begins 3 weeks from today yet already I am as giddy as a school girl. I'm bouncing in my seat. I'm restless at night, and my dreams are filled with trips to DIA to see Austin's face. So for me, the anticipation and excitement have far exceeded the short 14 days. And right now I'm so elated that it's hard to even imagine being sad.
I'm certain the second goodbye is harder and is more of a blow to morale than the first one. But then I remember ol' Rosie. She didn't get r&r. She didn't get email or skype or even phone calls. And her duty lasted much longer than 9 months.
So I'll take a second goodbye gladly. I'll handle it like a champ if it means that for 5 weeks in the middle of this journey I'm filled with happiness and joy. It's a trade I'm willing to make.
Now, to figure out how to not lose my mind in the next 21 days :)
- manda
Jul 28, 2011
Jul 27, 2011
So excited!
All day yesterday I wanted to cheat and write William Wednesday a day early - because he had such an awesome week!!! I just couldn't wait :)
My mom took him down to see uncle Brian on Thursday night, which I knew would be fun for him. Brian's house is like one big jungle gym in his eyes. Rumor has it yaya and uncle Brian took their eyes off of him for 2 seconds and next thing they knew he was all but one foot out of katy's doggie door. I can't confirm the rumor as I didn't get a picture as proof, but my gut would believe it. He climbs anywhere!
Yaya bought him an inflatable pool on Friday which he played with Friday and Sunday. Saturday we also went to the big pool, and all 3 pool exits were traumatic. He was so disappointed to have to be done playing, but I'm hoping if we do it more he will learn that pool isn't going away forever. (*note: please do not tell him about winter yet)

When miss Corinne heard about Williams Elmo shoes she decided it was time to pass on her daughter's Elmo toys. Friday he acquired a laughing miniature Elmo and a tickle me Elmo. My advice to parents of toddlers: introducing tickle me Elmo for the first time as a distraction technique from his heartbreak over leaving the pool = BAD IDEA.
He was terrified of that creepy scary jittery loud obnoxious toy.
But, by monday night he was tickling Elmo on his own, offering fist bumps and cracking up.
That's right, fist bumps. Yaya taught him to fist bump and now he makes sure to get every person in the room. He even bumped Austin's hand in our family picture! He gets so excite about it!!!
Saturday we went up to fort Collins to see Mandy, leon, Chelsea and Kyle again. William was thrilled to have his buddy Kyle back and they got right to work with bouncing on the bed and screwing caps onto powered bottles. By the end of dinner Mandy pointed out that she had heard about william's 'excellent fine motor skills' about 100 times on a short 4 hours :) what can I say, he's a genius!
Speaking of genius, I was shocked with his comprehension once again Monday night. We have a recordable storybook that Austin read for him and it is triggered by light shining through the holes on the pages. At night time his room is too dark but I learned that of I shined my phone on it I could get it to work. So Monday as I was surfing through Facebook while he played, he came over and asked me for the phone. I handed it to him and he turned it on, carried it to daddy's book, and proceeded to try and make the book work. I hadn't done it in over a week, but he remembered and thought of it all on his own. Amazing!
Other highlights of the week:
Uncle Brian put together a sand box for him but I've found he only likes the sand if it's wet. Otherwise he HATES it on his hands.
We went to monkey biz with steff on Sunday and we all 3 had a ball (equally!)

Monday night William pulled my hair and I said 'ouch William that hurt! You have to be nice. Can you say you're sorry?' He gave me a big hug and grin. Then he looked like he was going to do it again and I said 'William, can you be nice to mommy?' he nodded with a huge smile on his face then planted a big ol' kiss on my lips.
During webcam time this week we used the iPad and William thought it was fun to show daddy his picture on my phone. Then he kept kissing daddy's picture on my phone and blowing kisses to the iPad.
Miss Cassie says William has become her little helper. He runs around the room picking up all the trash and he loves to help her read books. I'm remembering when my kindergarten teacher told my mom that I wad great at making sure everyone else was doing what they were supposed to be doing...
So, he may have gotten Austin's good looks. And Austin's charm. And Austin's laissez-faire attitude. So what? He got my brown nosing, obsessive-compulsive, and bossy tendencies. Quite the combination!!!
- manda
My mom took him down to see uncle Brian on Thursday night, which I knew would be fun for him. Brian's house is like one big jungle gym in his eyes. Rumor has it yaya and uncle Brian took their eyes off of him for 2 seconds and next thing they knew he was all but one foot out of katy's doggie door. I can't confirm the rumor as I didn't get a picture as proof, but my gut would believe it. He climbs anywhere!
Yaya bought him an inflatable pool on Friday which he played with Friday and Sunday. Saturday we also went to the big pool, and all 3 pool exits were traumatic. He was so disappointed to have to be done playing, but I'm hoping if we do it more he will learn that pool isn't going away forever. (*note: please do not tell him about winter yet)

When miss Corinne heard about Williams Elmo shoes she decided it was time to pass on her daughter's Elmo toys. Friday he acquired a laughing miniature Elmo and a tickle me Elmo. My advice to parents of toddlers: introducing tickle me Elmo for the first time as a distraction technique from his heartbreak over leaving the pool = BAD IDEA.
He was terrified of that creepy scary jittery loud obnoxious toy.
But, by monday night he was tickling Elmo on his own, offering fist bumps and cracking up.
That's right, fist bumps. Yaya taught him to fist bump and now he makes sure to get every person in the room. He even bumped Austin's hand in our family picture! He gets so excite about it!!!
Saturday we went up to fort Collins to see Mandy, leon, Chelsea and Kyle again. William was thrilled to have his buddy Kyle back and they got right to work with bouncing on the bed and screwing caps onto powered bottles. By the end of dinner Mandy pointed out that she had heard about william's 'excellent fine motor skills' about 100 times on a short 4 hours :) what can I say, he's a genius!
Speaking of genius, I was shocked with his comprehension once again Monday night. We have a recordable storybook that Austin read for him and it is triggered by light shining through the holes on the pages. At night time his room is too dark but I learned that of I shined my phone on it I could get it to work. So Monday as I was surfing through Facebook while he played, he came over and asked me for the phone. I handed it to him and he turned it on, carried it to daddy's book, and proceeded to try and make the book work. I hadn't done it in over a week, but he remembered and thought of it all on his own. Amazing!
Other highlights of the week:
Uncle Brian put together a sand box for him but I've found he only likes the sand if it's wet. Otherwise he HATES it on his hands.
We went to monkey biz with steff on Sunday and we all 3 had a ball (equally!)

Monday night William pulled my hair and I said 'ouch William that hurt! You have to be nice. Can you say you're sorry?' He gave me a big hug and grin. Then he looked like he was going to do it again and I said 'William, can you be nice to mommy?' he nodded with a huge smile on his face then planted a big ol' kiss on my lips.
During webcam time this week we used the iPad and William thought it was fun to show daddy his picture on my phone. Then he kept kissing daddy's picture on my phone and blowing kisses to the iPad.
Miss Cassie says William has become her little helper. He runs around the room picking up all the trash and he loves to help her read books. I'm remembering when my kindergarten teacher told my mom that I wad great at making sure everyone else was doing what they were supposed to be doing...
So, he may have gotten Austin's good looks. And Austin's charm. And Austin's laissez-faire attitude. So what? He got my brown nosing, obsessive-compulsive, and bossy tendencies. Quite the combination!!!
- manda
Jul 25, 2011
The research begins
I grew up in a Ford family - in 2 Senses actually. My moms maiden name is Ford, and growing up we only drove Fords. My dad had 4 vehicles in my life, all Ford trucks. My mom drove a Mazda twice, but same thing right? And my brothers have both driven primarily ford trucks. I had a Ford escort in high school until a friend totaled it, and then I drove a Ford explorer.
I married a chevy man. He has only had chevy trucks and when he bought me a vehicle my senior year of college it was a chevy trailblazer. I LOVED tb...not because she was a chevy just because I loved how she drove, the size was perfect, it was and tb had a nice loving relationship.
Other than a corvette, I do not have a dream vehicle and I don't have any loyalty to any car manufacturer. I actually laugh when people are SO loyal to a manufacturer - they all make good and bad cars, all have their benefits and down falls. Maybe if I cared about vehicles more I'd get it.
But I don't.
So now that it is time for me to begin researching and selecting my next vehicle, I've decided to do what any good logical-brained person would do: I'm going to compare them all, test drive all that I'm interested in, make a spreadsheet comparison complete with color coded charts, and make a final decision. We are hoping to decide on a car when Austin is home in august, then he will work on online negotiations while he is back in afghanistan so that we can buy it right when he gets home.
Here is what I want: I want a crossover that holds 7 passengers. I do not intend to fill the seatbelts with babies so don't go freaking out, but I would like William to be a big brother and would then have 2 car seats. It's kind of hard to pick grandparents or aunts/uncles or friends up at the airport when there is only one seatbelt-free seat. And we love having our visitors so we want to be able to pick them up all together!
Because I will have 2 car seats for awhile, I'd like my vehicle to have captains chairs in the middle row in order to make it easy for other people to climb into the back seat. If the middle row is a bench seat we'd have to pull out car seats anytime someone Needed to climb back there.
Besides those 2 specifications, and a sunroof for William, I do not have a preference yet. There are some luxuries we've grown accustomed to (translation: been spoiled with) like heated seats, memory seats, auto start, etc. Here are the vehicles that are in my spreadsheet right now, in alphabetical order :)
Buick Enclave
Chevy traverse
Ford Explorer
GMC Acadia
Toyota Highlander
Volvo xc90
I have thrown out the Honda pilot because I don't like the way it looks on the outside. But if you have any additions to my list or any feedback on any one of these I'd love to hear it! I don't like the car buying process but I'm finding that this part - the time before you ever enter a car lot - is pretty fun for nerdy brains like mine :) so suggest away!
I know my family is silently cheering for a Ford Explorer and Austin is cheering for the chevy - we will see where I end up. I could choose FOREIGN!!! (though I wouldn't hold my breath on that one...)
Happy shopping :)
- manda
I married a chevy man. He has only had chevy trucks and when he bought me a vehicle my senior year of college it was a chevy trailblazer. I LOVED tb...not because she was a chevy just because I loved how she drove, the size was perfect, it was and tb had a nice loving relationship.
Other than a corvette, I do not have a dream vehicle and I don't have any loyalty to any car manufacturer. I actually laugh when people are SO loyal to a manufacturer - they all make good and bad cars, all have their benefits and down falls. Maybe if I cared about vehicles more I'd get it.
But I don't.
So now that it is time for me to begin researching and selecting my next vehicle, I've decided to do what any good logical-brained person would do: I'm going to compare them all, test drive all that I'm interested in, make a spreadsheet comparison complete with color coded charts, and make a final decision. We are hoping to decide on a car when Austin is home in august, then he will work on online negotiations while he is back in afghanistan so that we can buy it right when he gets home.
Here is what I want: I want a crossover that holds 7 passengers. I do not intend to fill the seatbelts with babies so don't go freaking out, but I would like William to be a big brother and would then have 2 car seats. It's kind of hard to pick grandparents or aunts/uncles or friends up at the airport when there is only one seatbelt-free seat. And we love having our visitors so we want to be able to pick them up all together!
Because I will have 2 car seats for awhile, I'd like my vehicle to have captains chairs in the middle row in order to make it easy for other people to climb into the back seat. If the middle row is a bench seat we'd have to pull out car seats anytime someone Needed to climb back there.
Besides those 2 specifications, and a sunroof for William, I do not have a preference yet. There are some luxuries we've grown accustomed to (translation: been spoiled with) like heated seats, memory seats, auto start, etc. Here are the vehicles that are in my spreadsheet right now, in alphabetical order :)
Buick Enclave
Chevy traverse
Ford Explorer
GMC Acadia
Toyota Highlander
Volvo xc90
I have thrown out the Honda pilot because I don't like the way it looks on the outside. But if you have any additions to my list or any feedback on any one of these I'd love to hear it! I don't like the car buying process but I'm finding that this part - the time before you ever enter a car lot - is pretty fun for nerdy brains like mine :) so suggest away!
I know my family is silently cheering for a Ford Explorer and Austin is cheering for the chevy - we will see where I end up. I could choose FOREIGN!!! (though I wouldn't hold my breath on that one...)
Happy shopping :)
- manda
Jul 21, 2011
Tricked you didn't I?
I probably had 1,000 readers yesterday logging in to hear about William and instead you were forced to suffer through the sob story that is my phone life. Oops :)
I could tell you a lot about William this week. I could tell you about how his teachers said he was so good at sympathizing with his friends and trying to console them. He even offered his special blankie to one in an effort to make him stop crying!
Or I could tell you about our fun park adventure Saturday where Addie helped him climb on the big kid playgrounds

Or about our early morning trip to monkey bizness

I loved watching him push his diapers and wipes around the house after we got home. He was building his own towers ad trying to make our house into a personal monkey biz.

And I know my mom loved having William's help in watering our new plants

But really, Williams entire week can be summed up in two words:
Elmo. Shoes.
Tuesday night my mom, William and I met Brian in castle rock for my birthday dinner. We got there a little earlier than Brian so we walked into the stride rite store at the outlet mall. After all, what baby doesn't need new shoes?
William had outgrown his old crocs but still loved wearing them, so when my mom saw a similar brand of shoes with characters on them she thought he needed them. She picked up a blue pair (im not sure who the character was) and then I saw them...the perfect shoes for the elmo-obsessed boy who has never even seen sesame street

He was SO excited! He stomped around the store and kept bending over to touch elmo's eyes. When we asked where Elmo was, he proudly reached down and touched him.
Yesterday at school his memorable moment was: William wad OBSESSED with his Elmo shoes! He kept laying in the hot tub with his feet in the air saying Elmo Elmo Elmo over and over!
Then when I got home I saw that he had on only the necessities

That's my boy!!!!!
Last night when my mom gave him his bath I tried to sneak the shoes away while he was busy playing. I succeeded, and I put them on the shelf in his closet. Then after my mom got him to bed i learned that I'll have to actually HIDE the shoes.

He slept in those shoes all night!!!
I Think a trip to stride rite for size 6 Elmo shoes is in my near future, and all other shoes are useless at this point. Any suggestions on explaining to a 20 month old why he can't wear open toed shoes in the snow would be greatly appreciated, because I see that argument in our near future as well!
- manda
Jul 20, 2011
Please forgive me
I feel like it's time I admit that I have a flaw: I suck at the telephone.
I do!!! I don't try to or want to or mean to, I just do. I feel like lately I've been straggling to keep up with returning calls, and it's not like I'm even called that much. I'm just not good at returning them!
I don't want you to take it personally, which is why I'm admitting it now. Publicly. It's a big apology really.
The problem is I just can't seem to figure out when to make it work. See, I feel like I have a few small windows of opportunity. In the morning from 5:00ish (emphasis on the ish) until 6:45 I am scrambling to wake up, shower, get ready, pack the truck with lunches and gym bags and school bags(that HOPEFULLY were packed the night before) and get William up. If the 5:00ish were more of a firm 5:00, I would maybe scramble less and have more opportunity to answer the phone if it rings.
But, as it stands I am far too intimate with my snooze button and end up rolling out of bed in a tizzy. So when I hear my phone ring at 6:15 I'm usually running down the hall with an unbuttoned shirt and a toothbrush in my mouth trying to get some pants out of the dryer.
Then on the ride to Goddard William and I are laughing and dancing and singing and sticking our hands out of the sunroof...not a lot of good quality talking time.
My first good window of opportunity is from about 7:20 until 7:45 while I drive to work. There are two issues here: number one, the majority of people I'd be trying to call live in Houston and have just begun their work day and can't break away from the morning bussle. And number two, I'm probably trying to guzzle down some coffee, put on makeup, and convince myself to be in a good mood.
Then I'm at work. And unless necessary for a few acceptable and important reasons, I try not to talk on the phone at work. If I were important enough to have an office with a door I may reconsider but until someone finds me that special, I'm stuck in cube-world where everyone can hear me.
So then my next window of opportunity opens from about 4:45-5:30. This is an ideal time. While it is my only time that is 'my own' until bedtime i do realize that if I spend all of 'my time' silently focusing on how very little 'me time' I have, I will have no friends. Because eventually no one wants to be friends with someone who never has any time. So, my evening commute is great phone time. If you happen to call in this time I can almost guarantee I'll answer - unless someone beat you to it, or I've already called someone else back.
But that damn time difference creeps back in and most people in Houston have just arrived at home, are greeting anxious pets/ kids/spouses and need to fill all of their bellies with dinner.
So, then I pick William up and spend the next 2.5 hours devoted to him. More sunroof exposure, dinner time, reading time, playing time, maybe walk the dog time, bath time, bed time...lots of 'time' in there but none of it included the phone. (except on the off chance that time and weather are on my side and we get to walk layla...that Is PRIME talking time) But William time is not good phone time because to him, phone=dada=his. So I wouldn't be able to talk if I tried.
So then, THEN I have some me time. Some me time when I can wash dishes, prepare lunches, pick up books and toys, maybe do some laundry, look longingly at my iPad, and tell myself for the 150th night in a row 'go to bed before 9:30. If you go to be before 9:30 you will wake up at 5:00 and thus your entire day will be more organized and flow more smoothly'
Yet somehow I always seem to see the clock strike 10:30 or later, an then I do press snooze, and then my day begins with this idea that I have no time.
All of this whining and griping and excusing is to say: I don't mean to suck at the phone. I have great intentions of returning calls and maybe, MAYBE, one day making a call of my own.
But until I figure out a good way to improve the above facts, find someone to delegate these tasks to, or become independently wealthy I do fear that calls may take days to return. ESPECIALLY if you're someone I enjoy talking to for more than 5 minutes.
So really, take it as a compliment. I love you.
- manda
I do!!! I don't try to or want to or mean to, I just do. I feel like lately I've been straggling to keep up with returning calls, and it's not like I'm even called that much. I'm just not good at returning them!
I don't want you to take it personally, which is why I'm admitting it now. Publicly. It's a big apology really.
The problem is I just can't seem to figure out when to make it work. See, I feel like I have a few small windows of opportunity. In the morning from 5:00ish (emphasis on the ish) until 6:45 I am scrambling to wake up, shower, get ready, pack the truck with lunches and gym bags and school bags(that HOPEFULLY were packed the night before) and get William up. If the 5:00ish were more of a firm 5:00, I would maybe scramble less and have more opportunity to answer the phone if it rings.
But, as it stands I am far too intimate with my snooze button and end up rolling out of bed in a tizzy. So when I hear my phone ring at 6:15 I'm usually running down the hall with an unbuttoned shirt and a toothbrush in my mouth trying to get some pants out of the dryer.
Then on the ride to Goddard William and I are laughing and dancing and singing and sticking our hands out of the sunroof...not a lot of good quality talking time.
My first good window of opportunity is from about 7:20 until 7:45 while I drive to work. There are two issues here: number one, the majority of people I'd be trying to call live in Houston and have just begun their work day and can't break away from the morning bussle. And number two, I'm probably trying to guzzle down some coffee, put on makeup, and convince myself to be in a good mood.
Then I'm at work. And unless necessary for a few acceptable and important reasons, I try not to talk on the phone at work. If I were important enough to have an office with a door I may reconsider but until someone finds me that special, I'm stuck in cube-world where everyone can hear me.
So then my next window of opportunity opens from about 4:45-5:30. This is an ideal time. While it is my only time that is 'my own' until bedtime i do realize that if I spend all of 'my time' silently focusing on how very little 'me time' I have, I will have no friends. Because eventually no one wants to be friends with someone who never has any time. So, my evening commute is great phone time. If you happen to call in this time I can almost guarantee I'll answer - unless someone beat you to it, or I've already called someone else back.
But that damn time difference creeps back in and most people in Houston have just arrived at home, are greeting anxious pets/ kids/spouses and need to fill all of their bellies with dinner.
So, then I pick William up and spend the next 2.5 hours devoted to him. More sunroof exposure, dinner time, reading time, playing time, maybe walk the dog time, bath time, bed time...lots of 'time' in there but none of it included the phone. (except on the off chance that time and weather are on my side and we get to walk layla...that Is PRIME talking time) But William time is not good phone time because to him, phone=dada=his. So I wouldn't be able to talk if I tried.
So then, THEN I have some me time. Some me time when I can wash dishes, prepare lunches, pick up books and toys, maybe do some laundry, look longingly at my iPad, and tell myself for the 150th night in a row 'go to bed before 9:30. If you go to be before 9:30 you will wake up at 5:00 and thus your entire day will be more organized and flow more smoothly'
Yet somehow I always seem to see the clock strike 10:30 or later, an then I do press snooze, and then my day begins with this idea that I have no time.
All of this whining and griping and excusing is to say: I don't mean to suck at the phone. I have great intentions of returning calls and maybe, MAYBE, one day making a call of my own.
But until I figure out a good way to improve the above facts, find someone to delegate these tasks to, or become independently wealthy I do fear that calls may take days to return. ESPECIALLY if you're someone I enjoy talking to for more than 5 minutes.
So really, take it as a compliment. I love you.
- manda
Jul 19, 2011
A blessed year
One year ago today I decided that, for fun, I’d write a special post for Addie because it was her birthday. After I decided that’d be my topic for the day, I thought “how fun, I can do this for everyone’s birthday so they’ll feel special on their special day” – after all, I think birthdays are very important and should always be made into a big deal. I had no idea that by trying to make everyone else feel special, in turn, I was actually giving myself the best gift of all.
How unplanned but perfect it is that I end my year of writing celebration on my birthday! What a wonderful present to myself. I’ve spent the last year reminding my family and friends how fantastic they are, how special each one is and how unique our relationships are, and all I really did was find out how richly blessed I am. It felt like every time I turned around I was writing about another person; I had another birthday to acknowledge and reflect upon. Every time I wrote my goal and purpose was to enhance that person’s day and I hope that I did. But what happened by the end of each post was that I felt so lucky to have that person in my life.
I did forget a few birthdays, shamefully, and I hope to catch up on them in the year to come. Though I failed to celebrate Jodi, BB, Marty, Chelsea, Gene, and Nico I did not forget their birthdays – and I did reflect upon their impact in my life. You’ll read about that later for sure. Despite that, it was amazing to me how consumed I was in writing about the people I’m blessed with.
Like I’ve said a thousand times, God does things in such perfect and unseen ways sometimes. When I started my year of birthday blogging I didn’t know Austin was going to deploy, but God did. So God had me spend the first 8 months of our separation focusing on all of the people that he has strategically placed in my life. He reminded me, through my desire to shower people with love and compliments, of how much He loves me and how much He will take care of me. I may live alone, but I am far from being alone. And anytime I started to feel like maybe I was, there came another birthday to set me straight. I could have done my birthday blogging any year, or I could have passed over it completely, but God knew better. He knows my needs far better than I ever will, and anytime I think otherwise I am quickly reminded.
So – to close off my birthday blogging fun (besides the few stragglers who are not in any way stragglers in my life) and in honor of my 27th birthday, thank YOU to everyone who has brought me such joy. Thanks to my friends, my siblings, my parents…my family…for being what you are and helping me be what I am. I don’t know anyone in the world more blessed than me, and I’m very proud and thankful to say so.
- manda
How unplanned but perfect it is that I end my year of writing celebration on my birthday! What a wonderful present to myself. I’ve spent the last year reminding my family and friends how fantastic they are, how special each one is and how unique our relationships are, and all I really did was find out how richly blessed I am. It felt like every time I turned around I was writing about another person; I had another birthday to acknowledge and reflect upon. Every time I wrote my goal and purpose was to enhance that person’s day and I hope that I did. But what happened by the end of each post was that I felt so lucky to have that person in my life.
I did forget a few birthdays, shamefully, and I hope to catch up on them in the year to come. Though I failed to celebrate Jodi, BB, Marty, Chelsea, Gene, and Nico I did not forget their birthdays – and I did reflect upon their impact in my life. You’ll read about that later for sure. Despite that, it was amazing to me how consumed I was in writing about the people I’m blessed with.
Like I’ve said a thousand times, God does things in such perfect and unseen ways sometimes. When I started my year of birthday blogging I didn’t know Austin was going to deploy, but God did. So God had me spend the first 8 months of our separation focusing on all of the people that he has strategically placed in my life. He reminded me, through my desire to shower people with love and compliments, of how much He loves me and how much He will take care of me. I may live alone, but I am far from being alone. And anytime I started to feel like maybe I was, there came another birthday to set me straight. I could have done my birthday blogging any year, or I could have passed over it completely, but God knew better. He knows my needs far better than I ever will, and anytime I think otherwise I am quickly reminded.
So – to close off my birthday blogging fun (besides the few stragglers who are not in any way stragglers in my life) and in honor of my 27th birthday, thank YOU to everyone who has brought me such joy. Thanks to my friends, my siblings, my parents…my family…for being what you are and helping me be what I am. I don’t know anyone in the world more blessed than me, and I’m very proud and thankful to say so.
- manda
Jul 18, 2011
Birthday monsoon
I’ve written before about the overwhelming support we received from our church family when my dad was sick. It came pouring in, in so many forms from so many people. I know that although I’d love to remember it all, there’s no way I can possibly remember every way that each person supported us.
But one moment will always stand out.
As I think I’ve explained, I carried faith like a child throughout my dad’s illness, and I truly believed for 3.5 years that no matter what we endured, my dad would live. No matter how sick he got or how bad things got, I never thought for one second that we’d lose him. So when my parents told us that God had told them both separately through dreams, and they agreed together, that it was time to stop taking medicine (which was not curing him any more) and to let God do his work I was devastated. The truth came barreling in my face and I didn’t know what to do – but I knew I needed to be out of my house.
Of all of the people I know I could have called, I called my boyfriend’s mom.
I called Candace, who is now my mother in law.
Candace came and picked me up from my house, took me to her house, and sat with me on my couch while I cried. I never even told her what happened – I just told her I needed her and she was there. She sat there and cried with me, knowing how ill my dad was and assuming that’s what we were crying for, but never needed any words or any reasoning. She was there in whatever capacity I needed her to be. And even though I broke up with her son 2 weeks later, her support remained unending.
I’ve known Candace as long as I can remember, and she’s been loving and supportive of me for just as long. She knows me probably better than most women know their daughters-in-law, and she still allowed Austin to marry me :) She is one of the most patient and accepting people I know, and far more than I could ever be! If I had a penny for every time I’ve made it known that I don’t support someone’s decision I MIGHT have enough pennies to pay her back for all the times she has supported her loved ones despite their differences in opinion.
If its true that when you marry someone you marry their family, then I must say I made a really really good choice in marrying Austin. I don’t know anyone who has as great of a mother in law as I do – and I think its because before that, she was my friend.
Happy Birthday Candace – see you in ONE MONTH when our man is home for a little bit :)
- manda
But one moment will always stand out.
As I think I’ve explained, I carried faith like a child throughout my dad’s illness, and I truly believed for 3.5 years that no matter what we endured, my dad would live. No matter how sick he got or how bad things got, I never thought for one second that we’d lose him. So when my parents told us that God had told them both separately through dreams, and they agreed together, that it was time to stop taking medicine (which was not curing him any more) and to let God do his work I was devastated. The truth came barreling in my face and I didn’t know what to do – but I knew I needed to be out of my house.
Of all of the people I know I could have called, I called my boyfriend’s mom.
I called Candace, who is now my mother in law.
Candace came and picked me up from my house, took me to her house, and sat with me on my couch while I cried. I never even told her what happened – I just told her I needed her and she was there. She sat there and cried with me, knowing how ill my dad was and assuming that’s what we were crying for, but never needed any words or any reasoning. She was there in whatever capacity I needed her to be. And even though I broke up with her son 2 weeks later, her support remained unending.
I’ve known Candace as long as I can remember, and she’s been loving and supportive of me for just as long. She knows me probably better than most women know their daughters-in-law, and she still allowed Austin to marry me :) She is one of the most patient and accepting people I know, and far more than I could ever be! If I had a penny for every time I’ve made it known that I don’t support someone’s decision I MIGHT have enough pennies to pay her back for all the times she has supported her loved ones despite their differences in opinion.
If its true that when you marry someone you marry their family, then I must say I made a really really good choice in marrying Austin. I don’t know anyone who has as great of a mother in law as I do – and I think its because before that, she was my friend.
Happy Birthday Candace – see you in ONE MONTH when our man is home for a little bit :)
- manda
Jul 16, 2011
Agh stupid blogger
Let me say I wrote this post at 6 am yesterday and couldn't get the stupid app to work all day!!! Ugh. I didn't forget you Michael :)
July is another birthday monsoon in my life, and one that I'll never pass up is michael's. I first heard of his birthday in 2003 (if my memory serves me right) before I had even met him. Brittany told me about her plans to buy him his jeep and show up at his work in his jeep and a bikini. That may have been when I pin pointed that she was a wife to mimic :)
The first time I met Michael was shortly after that when he brought their beautiful babies up to work to have lunch with us. I have a special place in my heart for dads and fatherhood, and when I see a dad's face light up because of his kids my heart melts. It's far too rare, but is so precious.
Michael's not only lit up, but he lit up the entire city of Houston I think.
The pride and joy he gets from being a father brings me so much joy just by witnessing it. He is an incredible example of how to truly raise kids. Not because they are the smartest or most talented or best looking or best behaved (though they very well may be ALL of those things) - but because he raises them with all the love and support that a child needs from a dad.
I had the privilege of living with Michael for a short time, and despite the circumstances it was one of the greatest blessings in my life. As I've said before, that's when he went from being my friends husband to my friend. And I couldn't be more thankful.
I could write all day - it's easy when it's about someone as great as him. I'll just end by saying that I never would have guessed, 8 years ago when he got his jeep, that we'd ever have any sort of relationship. But now I cant Imagine not having him in my life.
Thanks for being the husband, father and friend that you are Michael - and thanks especially for being my friend. Happy birthday!
- manda
July is another birthday monsoon in my life, and one that I'll never pass up is michael's. I first heard of his birthday in 2003 (if my memory serves me right) before I had even met him. Brittany told me about her plans to buy him his jeep and show up at his work in his jeep and a bikini. That may have been when I pin pointed that she was a wife to mimic :)
The first time I met Michael was shortly after that when he brought their beautiful babies up to work to have lunch with us. I have a special place in my heart for dads and fatherhood, and when I see a dad's face light up because of his kids my heart melts. It's far too rare, but is so precious.
Michael's not only lit up, but he lit up the entire city of Houston I think.
The pride and joy he gets from being a father brings me so much joy just by witnessing it. He is an incredible example of how to truly raise kids. Not because they are the smartest or most talented or best looking or best behaved (though they very well may be ALL of those things) - but because he raises them with all the love and support that a child needs from a dad.
I had the privilege of living with Michael for a short time, and despite the circumstances it was one of the greatest blessings in my life. As I've said before, that's when he went from being my friends husband to my friend. And I couldn't be more thankful.
I could write all day - it's easy when it's about someone as great as him. I'll just end by saying that I never would have guessed, 8 years ago when he got his jeep, that we'd ever have any sort of relationship. But now I cant Imagine not having him in my life.
Thanks for being the husband, father and friend that you are Michael - and thanks especially for being my friend. Happy birthday!
- manda
Jul 14, 2011
Have you missed him?
Rosco the raccoon is back with vengeance. I hope you've all missed him as much as I have.
I will take partial responsibility for this. I won't take full responsibility because I feel like that's a little harsh, although I don't know who else would be partially to blame. William? Layla? Reagan? The rain gods? Hard to say, really.
Last night another rain/thunder/hail storm not customary for Denver rolled through around 8:00. It's the 4th night in a row, and 8th straight day of rain. You'd think we live in Seattle! I was laying in bed around 9, enjoying the sound of the rain and thunder, when my whole house lit up from lightening and a huge clap of thunder sounded. Right after the thunder I heard a crash come from downstairs and heard Reagan going nuts. I assumed the thunder frightened him and caused him to knock something over. He was going crazy for the next 10 minutes, but that's par for the course. No need to worry!
This morning, though, when I opened the door from the kitchen to the garage I saw that I had left the door open. Austin's tool bucket was knocked over and strewn about, and both pet food tubs looked like they had just returned from combat.
Reagan bolted into the garage and was as puffy as ever...clearly he had been waiting all night to get in there and scare off the wild beast.
When I got close enough to the food tubs I could see raccoon prints and claw marks all over, and the poor cat food tub had especially been taken through the wringer.
Part of me feels generous in offering shelter from the hail, but part of me feels violated again. ONE night I leave the damn door open and little ol' rosco finds his way back in.
Why don't I set a trap and catch him? Cause I'm too damn scared of him. I don't wanna see his ugly face!!! So, until next time I leave the door open...
- manda
I will take partial responsibility for this. I won't take full responsibility because I feel like that's a little harsh, although I don't know who else would be partially to blame. William? Layla? Reagan? The rain gods? Hard to say, really.
Last night another rain/thunder/hail storm not customary for Denver rolled through around 8:00. It's the 4th night in a row, and 8th straight day of rain. You'd think we live in Seattle! I was laying in bed around 9, enjoying the sound of the rain and thunder, when my whole house lit up from lightening and a huge clap of thunder sounded. Right after the thunder I heard a crash come from downstairs and heard Reagan going nuts. I assumed the thunder frightened him and caused him to knock something over. He was going crazy for the next 10 minutes, but that's par for the course. No need to worry!
This morning, though, when I opened the door from the kitchen to the garage I saw that I had left the door open. Austin's tool bucket was knocked over and strewn about, and both pet food tubs looked like they had just returned from combat.
Reagan bolted into the garage and was as puffy as ever...clearly he had been waiting all night to get in there and scare off the wild beast.
When I got close enough to the food tubs I could see raccoon prints and claw marks all over, and the poor cat food tub had especially been taken through the wringer.
Part of me feels generous in offering shelter from the hail, but part of me feels violated again. ONE night I leave the damn door open and little ol' rosco finds his way back in.
Why don't I set a trap and catch him? Cause I'm too damn scared of him. I don't wanna see his ugly face!!! So, until next time I leave the door open...
- manda
Jul 13, 2011
William Wednesday
I thought this would be a short post - I mean since the last time i wrote I've only seen little bear for all of about 10 hours max. But more can happen in 10 hours than I thought!
Miss Cassie kept William all weekend while I was in north Dakota and it was so generous of her. I paid her so I'm not nominating her for am award for generosity or anything, but when I talked to her on Saturday afternoon I realized how much of a sacrifice it was. I am used to my weekends being dictated by a toddler and my schedule revolving around him. She's not though! So whatever she is generally used to doing she was willing to sacrifice for an entire weekend. Can you blame her though?

Sunday my flight was delayed a couple of hours so I was SO disappointed, thinking I'd miss out on seeing his face when I got to her house. Luckily her nephew was over having a little family bday dinner so William was too excited to sleep. When I pulled up and got out of the truck I saw Cassie holding William up to the window. Once he saw me he started pointing and laughing, trying to squirm from her arms. no front walkway ever seemed so long! I was so excited to see him, and it was clearly mutual :)
The past couple of nights we've had fun playing and my missing him has allowed his bed time to be tweaked a little :)

Monday night about 45 minutes after I had put him to bed I could hear a LOT of noise and was afraid maybe he had gotten out. I went to check and he was still in his crib, wide awake having a ball. He jumped up and raised his arms for me, so I picked him up. Then he grabbed doggie and laid his head on my shoulder. He hasn't let me rock him in almost 4 months so I was risking rejection when I sat in the chair, but he must have missed me as much as I missed him all weekend cause he just cuddled me until he fell asleep.

I rocked him for an hour. You know, just to be sure the snoring was real.
- manda
Miss Cassie kept William all weekend while I was in north Dakota and it was so generous of her. I paid her so I'm not nominating her for am award for generosity or anything, but when I talked to her on Saturday afternoon I realized how much of a sacrifice it was. I am used to my weekends being dictated by a toddler and my schedule revolving around him. She's not though! So whatever she is generally used to doing she was willing to sacrifice for an entire weekend. Can you blame her though?

Sunday my flight was delayed a couple of hours so I was SO disappointed, thinking I'd miss out on seeing his face when I got to her house. Luckily her nephew was over having a little family bday dinner so William was too excited to sleep. When I pulled up and got out of the truck I saw Cassie holding William up to the window. Once he saw me he started pointing and laughing, trying to squirm from her arms. no front walkway ever seemed so long! I was so excited to see him, and it was clearly mutual :)
The past couple of nights we've had fun playing and my missing him has allowed his bed time to be tweaked a little :)

Monday night about 45 minutes after I had put him to bed I could hear a LOT of noise and was afraid maybe he had gotten out. I went to check and he was still in his crib, wide awake having a ball. He jumped up and raised his arms for me, so I picked him up. Then he grabbed doggie and laid his head on my shoulder. He hasn't let me rock him in almost 4 months so I was risking rejection when I sat in the chair, but he must have missed me as much as I missed him all weekend cause he just cuddled me until he fell asleep.

I rocked him for an hour. You know, just to be sure the snoring was real.
- manda
Jul 12, 2011
Everyone needs a missjan
It's interesting the way God works.
When I was a kid I used to tease my mom for her frequent phone calls with her friend, Missjan. At the time, the Headline News was marketed a lot - advertising that they will keep you up to date every 30 minutes. So I used to joke that when the phone rang it was just the headline news.
Jan was one of my mom's best friends, and Marty was one of my dad's. So naturally they were like second parents to me. Jan cooked for me, carted me around to appointments and events, occasionally told me what to do - she was my mom when my mom wasn't around.
I'm not sure, though, when the relationship shifted from a parental type relationship to a friendship. It's one of those things that you can't pin point, but one day you realize you are sitting at the Cheesecake Factory having lunch on your 21st birthday with one of your closest friends.
When did it happen?
Was it when my dad was sick? Or when my mom remarried? Or when I graduated and went to college? Or was it there all along?
I've learned a lot from missjan. I've learned about hosting parties, cooking, coordinating events, and biting your tongue at all the right times. I've learned about supporting people even if you don't support their decisions, being a friend, being a wife and being a mom. I'm so thankful for all of the ways in which she's taught me about being a better person, and I'm equally thankful that there have been times when she has actually needed me. For support, entertainment, help or just company - I'm glad that I've been able to be there when she's needed me.
So just like in January when I wasn't sure how to address Rob - happy birthday to my second mom, my mom's friend, my friend's mom, but most of all to my friend. Love you, miss you, and hope to see you soon.
- manda
When I was a kid I used to tease my mom for her frequent phone calls with her friend, Missjan. At the time, the Headline News was marketed a lot - advertising that they will keep you up to date every 30 minutes. So I used to joke that when the phone rang it was just the headline news.
Jan was one of my mom's best friends, and Marty was one of my dad's. So naturally they were like second parents to me. Jan cooked for me, carted me around to appointments and events, occasionally told me what to do - she was my mom when my mom wasn't around.
I'm not sure, though, when the relationship shifted from a parental type relationship to a friendship. It's one of those things that you can't pin point, but one day you realize you are sitting at the Cheesecake Factory having lunch on your 21st birthday with one of your closest friends.
When did it happen?
Was it when my dad was sick? Or when my mom remarried? Or when I graduated and went to college? Or was it there all along?
I've learned a lot from missjan. I've learned about hosting parties, cooking, coordinating events, and biting your tongue at all the right times. I've learned about supporting people even if you don't support their decisions, being a friend, being a wife and being a mom. I'm so thankful for all of the ways in which she's taught me about being a better person, and I'm equally thankful that there have been times when she has actually needed me. For support, entertainment, help or just company - I'm glad that I've been able to be there when she's needed me.
So just like in January when I wasn't sure how to address Rob - happy birthday to my second mom, my mom's friend, my friend's mom, but most of all to my friend. Love you, miss you, and hope to see you soon.
- manda
Jul 10, 2011
A north Dakota wedding
Friday morning as I walked outside the Denver airport, walked up a rickety ramp and onto a plane that might fit inside my house I thought, "these ramps and planes should really be reserved for places like Tahiti or some exotic location". I thought about how much I spent to walk onto this tiny little toy plane, and thought it was just an unfair tease. All this to fly into Bismarck, north Dakota?
Then instantly I remembered why I was flying there and I thought 'yup, and I'd do it a thousand times over if it's for kaila'
There's not much I wouldn't do for kaila, and part of the reason is because there's not much she wouldn't do for me either. She is such a generous person - she'd give her time, her money, or the shirt off her back if she thought you needed it. And she is one of the few people who generally knows what I need to hear or do in any situation. She knows what to say better than anyone else when deployment has me down, she knew exactly what to do the day Austin left for his second deployment, she drove to the opposite end of Denver at 1am to pick me up from a wedding so that I wouldn't have to pay for a cab...and those are just a drop in the bucket. She's done and done and given and given, and nothing made me happier than to be a part of her beautiful wedding.
I think I knew of Justin within a week of meeting kaila 5 years ago- except what she had to say about him was that he was her annoying ex, but the one she knows she could have at any time. I never described Austin as annoying, but I did warn her that the rest of her story matched mine pretty well. Austin was in love with me far before and long after we dated, and I always knew that if the timing were right (ie if he didn't have a girlfriend) he'd gladly date me again. Austin always stopped at nothing to make sure I knew how much he loved me and he would have done anything to make me happy. Kaila said the same of Justin, and I warned her that she should be careful what she says about him because maybe ours stories will have similar endings.
I had no idea 5 years ago that not only would their story have the same ending, but that I would be standing up at the altar in support of it. Kaila had 10 bridesmaids which seems like a lot, and it was, but it makes sense. She is the most devoted friend and as a result has so many strong bonds, there's no way she couldn't have had 10. And her friends were all just like her...kind, funny, warm and inviting...and my goodness that girl had the most beautiful bridal party I think I've ever seen. It all fits so well. She had 10 truly amazing and beautiful friends standing beside her, all willing just like me to give anything for kaila.
As beautiful as Tahiti sounds, and as much as my toes yearn for the white sands of beautiful calming beaches, there is truly no place in the world I would have rathered be this weekend than fesseden, north Dakota. Sleeping in a house with frogs on the floor missing my son like crazy. Like I said, I'd do it all a thousand times over and more because not only was it my honor to be a part of her wedding, but because I'd do anything in the world for her.

A big congratulations to mr and mrs Muscha. Love you both!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Then instantly I remembered why I was flying there and I thought 'yup, and I'd do it a thousand times over if it's for kaila'
There's not much I wouldn't do for kaila, and part of the reason is because there's not much she wouldn't do for me either. She is such a generous person - she'd give her time, her money, or the shirt off her back if she thought you needed it. And she is one of the few people who generally knows what I need to hear or do in any situation. She knows what to say better than anyone else when deployment has me down, she knew exactly what to do the day Austin left for his second deployment, she drove to the opposite end of Denver at 1am to pick me up from a wedding so that I wouldn't have to pay for a cab...and those are just a drop in the bucket. She's done and done and given and given, and nothing made me happier than to be a part of her beautiful wedding.
I think I knew of Justin within a week of meeting kaila 5 years ago- except what she had to say about him was that he was her annoying ex, but the one she knows she could have at any time. I never described Austin as annoying, but I did warn her that the rest of her story matched mine pretty well. Austin was in love with me far before and long after we dated, and I always knew that if the timing were right (ie if he didn't have a girlfriend) he'd gladly date me again. Austin always stopped at nothing to make sure I knew how much he loved me and he would have done anything to make me happy. Kaila said the same of Justin, and I warned her that she should be careful what she says about him because maybe ours stories will have similar endings.
I had no idea 5 years ago that not only would their story have the same ending, but that I would be standing up at the altar in support of it. Kaila had 10 bridesmaids which seems like a lot, and it was, but it makes sense. She is the most devoted friend and as a result has so many strong bonds, there's no way she couldn't have had 10. And her friends were all just like her...kind, funny, warm and inviting...and my goodness that girl had the most beautiful bridal party I think I've ever seen. It all fits so well. She had 10 truly amazing and beautiful friends standing beside her, all willing just like me to give anything for kaila.
As beautiful as Tahiti sounds, and as much as my toes yearn for the white sands of beautiful calming beaches, there is truly no place in the world I would have rathered be this weekend than fesseden, north Dakota. Sleeping in a house with frogs on the floor missing my son like crazy. Like I said, I'd do it all a thousand times over and more because not only was it my honor to be a part of her wedding, but because I'd do anything in the world for her.

A big congratulations to mr and mrs Muscha. Love you both!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Jul 8, 2011
Why haven't I been blogging?
I've just been busy this week looking for my mind. And sleep.
A friend of ours was teasing me, asking if I've had a weekend where I was in town AND didn't have guests since Austin left.
I had to think long and hard...
I told him, 'I guess people think the busier I am the less I'll think about missing austin'
And you know what? People are right! Sure I miss him...but I have very little time to realize it! This week I was busy helping my house recover from a party, helping my body recover from 4 nights of 4 hours of sleep, enjoying my time with William, and packing us both for another busy weekend.
Oh, and we're pretty busy at work too.
So, while I have VERY much enjoyed all my guests and I am overwhelmed by how loved I am, if the next person could wait a bit before coming up here I wouldn't complain. I'm not quite halfway through my busy busy summer and I'm already exhausted. Mission:accomplished.
New mission: get some rest before r&r so I can be awake as much as possible for the 2 weeks when Austin is home.
Now if only I knew when I could rest...
- manda
A friend of ours was teasing me, asking if I've had a weekend where I was in town AND didn't have guests since Austin left.
I had to think long and hard...
I told him, 'I guess people think the busier I am the less I'll think about missing austin'
And you know what? People are right! Sure I miss him...but I have very little time to realize it! This week I was busy helping my house recover from a party, helping my body recover from 4 nights of 4 hours of sleep, enjoying my time with William, and packing us both for another busy weekend.
Oh, and we're pretty busy at work too.
So, while I have VERY much enjoyed all my guests and I am overwhelmed by how loved I am, if the next person could wait a bit before coming up here I wouldn't complain. I'm not quite halfway through my busy busy summer and I'm already exhausted. Mission:accomplished.
New mission: get some rest before r&r so I can be awake as much as possible for the 2 weeks when Austin is home.
Now if only I knew when I could rest...
- manda
Jul 6, 2011
William Wednesday
William and I had a fun - and funny - week. I have lots of little moments that just had me cracking up. His comprehension is expanding and it is still so fun to watch his face as he learns and explores.
He has become more interested in the fisher price apps I have on my phone and iPad. I have my old iPhone that Austin keeps encouraging me to load up with kid apps and let it be william's. I have a slight concern with my not even 2 year old having an iPod (phone without the phone function) but then again I don't want him breaking mine either. And it's just sitting there not being it makes sense right? He loves the 2 apps I have and I know there are more out there. One of the apps has a song that sings 'bye bye' at some point, and William instantly waved to the iPad and said 'bye bye'. I was never sure if he could understand what they are singing, but he can!!!
He also likes the sun roof in the truck. I made the mistake of opening it one day to try and distract him from throwing a fit, and ever since then he points to the sun roof once he's strapped in his seat, then he does sign language for 'please'. He has me trained. Then this weekend he added the windows to the drill. Boy was he mad Saturday when it was raining and he couldn't say 'please' enough to get me to open it!!!

He had a very fun boy-type weekend. Saturday morning I had some errands to run in preparation for a party on Sunday so steff and steve watched him. Steve turned on UFC and apparently he was enthralled. He especially liked the ground game and when they were rolling around trying to get each other in submission holds. Such a little boy!!!
After that we drove down to Colorado springs to see brian's new house. It's so nice! And he has it nice and decorated and all moved in. I was surprised! William thought the entire house was his jungle gym, which Brian fully supported. Brian was throwing him all over the bed and couch, tackling him, pushing him onto stacks of pillows - all sorts of fun boy rough housing. At one point William was on brian's bed and wanted to get down so he tried swinging his body over the foot of the sleigh bed. He wasn't prepared for his feet to dangle though and he had a look of sheer fear on his face. And that adrenaline sure did pump because he had the upper body strength to hold onto the bed, despite the slick round edge. He was holding on for dear life!!! Next time on the bed - no interest in getting too close to the edge.
He only has to do things once to learn! After we saw brian's house we went out to dinner. He loved dipping chips into the mild (basically pureed tomato) salsa and kept dipping his chip, sucking off the salsa, and dipping again. He saw Brian have some spicy salsa, though, and was determined that he wanted some. Finally I was done arguing and let him try I said, he only has to do things once to learn. He hated it!!! Back to the mild salsa for him.
Sunday we had a farewell BBQ at our house for steve and Steff who are on their way to Australia. William LOVED all of the attention and I think he believed everyone was there for him. He had fun playing in the backyard and garage with anyone willing to play, and he bounced from person to person. Scott arrived a little late and he instantly lunged into his arms - like 'ok finally another new person for me!'. As always, he was all about the boys. Scott even taught him to push a little button on his toy screwdriver that makes it turn. I've tried for months, Scott tries for minutes. Whatever.
Monday after I got the house back in order and William and I had napped we went up to Fort Collins (a town not far from the Wyoming border where CSU is) to visit Chelsea and Kyle. We were just driving the stretches of I25 this weekend :) when I was packing the truck to go I wondered if I should bring toys and books to occupy him - silly me, who needs toys and books when you have a Kyle? They were buds! Kyle initiated all the playfulness so I get the feeling William was just a good excuse for him to climb on benches and roll in grass. Kyle also was sure to let William know HE was providing ice cream for dessert and fun times.

We had a great time and Kyle was nice enough to not hog William the WHOLE time.

William faked Chelsea out at one point - we were all amazed at his cognitive ability to know to run one way then fake her out and go the opposite direction. He was quite proud too :)
Last night I made grilled cheese and tomato soup, and I let William dip it himself rather than me doing it. He loved it! Just like the chips and salsa :) he also dips anything/everything in ketchup or BBQ sauce...I think dipping food in a sauce is just fun right now :)

He is still very interested in books but now HE wants to read them. He climbs in my lap and wants me to hold them, but I don't need to read and I can only flip the page when he's ready. Better yet, I should leave the page flipping to him. Who knew a page with 10 words could take 3 minutes of nonstop babbling?
His teachers write a memorable moment on hisdaily report and I always send Austin his daily news, so I was reading through this week's so see if I missed anything. Here are 2 cute moments:
William loved putting on our bucket hat this morning. He'd walk to the mirror, examine his reflection then strut around the room.
William loved bouncing on the wedge with Ethan this morning. They'd bounce, giggle, and even give each other high five's!
He's not a baby anymore - he's a full blown toddler...stinky feet and all!
- manda
He has become more interested in the fisher price apps I have on my phone and iPad. I have my old iPhone that Austin keeps encouraging me to load up with kid apps and let it be william's. I have a slight concern with my not even 2 year old having an iPod (phone without the phone function) but then again I don't want him breaking mine either. And it's just sitting there not being it makes sense right? He loves the 2 apps I have and I know there are more out there. One of the apps has a song that sings 'bye bye' at some point, and William instantly waved to the iPad and said 'bye bye'. I was never sure if he could understand what they are singing, but he can!!!
He also likes the sun roof in the truck. I made the mistake of opening it one day to try and distract him from throwing a fit, and ever since then he points to the sun roof once he's strapped in his seat, then he does sign language for 'please'. He has me trained. Then this weekend he added the windows to the drill. Boy was he mad Saturday when it was raining and he couldn't say 'please' enough to get me to open it!!!

He had a very fun boy-type weekend. Saturday morning I had some errands to run in preparation for a party on Sunday so steff and steve watched him. Steve turned on UFC and apparently he was enthralled. He especially liked the ground game and when they were rolling around trying to get each other in submission holds. Such a little boy!!!
After that we drove down to Colorado springs to see brian's new house. It's so nice! And he has it nice and decorated and all moved in. I was surprised! William thought the entire house was his jungle gym, which Brian fully supported. Brian was throwing him all over the bed and couch, tackling him, pushing him onto stacks of pillows - all sorts of fun boy rough housing. At one point William was on brian's bed and wanted to get down so he tried swinging his body over the foot of the sleigh bed. He wasn't prepared for his feet to dangle though and he had a look of sheer fear on his face. And that adrenaline sure did pump because he had the upper body strength to hold onto the bed, despite the slick round edge. He was holding on for dear life!!! Next time on the bed - no interest in getting too close to the edge.
He only has to do things once to learn! After we saw brian's house we went out to dinner. He loved dipping chips into the mild (basically pureed tomato) salsa and kept dipping his chip, sucking off the salsa, and dipping again. He saw Brian have some spicy salsa, though, and was determined that he wanted some. Finally I was done arguing and let him try I said, he only has to do things once to learn. He hated it!!! Back to the mild salsa for him.
Sunday we had a farewell BBQ at our house for steve and Steff who are on their way to Australia. William LOVED all of the attention and I think he believed everyone was there for him. He had fun playing in the backyard and garage with anyone willing to play, and he bounced from person to person. Scott arrived a little late and he instantly lunged into his arms - like 'ok finally another new person for me!'. As always, he was all about the boys. Scott even taught him to push a little button on his toy screwdriver that makes it turn. I've tried for months, Scott tries for minutes. Whatever.
Monday after I got the house back in order and William and I had napped we went up to Fort Collins (a town not far from the Wyoming border where CSU is) to visit Chelsea and Kyle. We were just driving the stretches of I25 this weekend :) when I was packing the truck to go I wondered if I should bring toys and books to occupy him - silly me, who needs toys and books when you have a Kyle? They were buds! Kyle initiated all the playfulness so I get the feeling William was just a good excuse for him to climb on benches and roll in grass. Kyle also was sure to let William know HE was providing ice cream for dessert and fun times.

We had a great time and Kyle was nice enough to not hog William the WHOLE time.

William faked Chelsea out at one point - we were all amazed at his cognitive ability to know to run one way then fake her out and go the opposite direction. He was quite proud too :)
Last night I made grilled cheese and tomato soup, and I let William dip it himself rather than me doing it. He loved it! Just like the chips and salsa :) he also dips anything/everything in ketchup or BBQ sauce...I think dipping food in a sauce is just fun right now :)

He is still very interested in books but now HE wants to read them. He climbs in my lap and wants me to hold them, but I don't need to read and I can only flip the page when he's ready. Better yet, I should leave the page flipping to him. Who knew a page with 10 words could take 3 minutes of nonstop babbling?
His teachers write a memorable moment on hisdaily report and I always send Austin his daily news, so I was reading through this week's so see if I missed anything. Here are 2 cute moments:
William loved putting on our bucket hat this morning. He'd walk to the mirror, examine his reflection then strut around the room.
William loved bouncing on the wedge with Ethan this morning. They'd bounce, giggle, and even give each other high five's!
He's not a baby anymore - he's a full blown toddler...stinky feet and all!
- manda
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