William has always loved our animals but the past few weeks he has developed a stronger bond with theme

He also got a special treat on Saturday when we went to the deployed family event at build a bear. The military has monthly events for the families of deployed soldiers that are paid for by the government. We haven't been to one before because usually they are either geared towards older kids, have a very limited space, or we already have plans. But I cleared the calendar when I saw build a bear! :)
William loved the process. I wasn't sure if he would get it, or if he'd care, but he embraced it!

He picked this one because it is green, which is one of two (well now THREE) colors he can confidently identify. Green and orange...hence his shirt choice

He loved the cotton machines and putting the heart inside the bear, but when it came to dressing 'green bear' he just threw the clothes to me. He had far more important things to do!(Like open all the cabinets)

And because I'm a sucker, he left he mall with a new bear AND new boots. What every toddler needs.

Sunday uncle oh gosh was at our house by the time we got home from church and he instantly yelled 'oh GOSSSSHHH' when he saw his truck in the driveway. But once inside his lips wouldn't utter the words. He acted like I was nuts anytime I suggested he say oh gosh!
With Brian around, it's monkey see monkey do. Brian yells 'come on!' and matt schaub and William yells 'come on!' at Matt schaub. Brian slaps his hand on the chair, William slaps his hand on the couch. Brian says 'how's your hot dog?' William takes a bite of hot dog. I should just make Brian move back in - William would certainly finish his meals!
Monday and Tuesday nights after school I was feeling especially crafty and I helped william make Christmas surprises for his grandparents. I'd post pictures but that'd spoil the fun :) but he had a blast! And he was much more cooperative than I thought he'd be.
Today is our first big snow, and I was a little apprehensive about getting William bundled up. The only other time I've tried to make him wear gloves he yelled at me the entire way to school! Today was slightly more successful- he did manage to get the gloves and boots and fleece socks off about a mile away from home, but he was willing to put them back on so that's good :)

he wasn't too fond of the hat, but when we stepped outside the snow distracted him. He thought it was so funny to stand under the porch cover and stick his arm out where the snow was falling to catch snow flakes.

He giggled and smiled and I wished we could stand on that porch all day.
When he was in the truck I kept trying to get a picture but he just laughed and swatted at his face saying 'eyes' every time the snow flakes touched him.

So far I think the snow is a hit, and I'm hoping to ditch work early to see what he thinks of rolling around in it!!!
He's doing very well in his new room at school and he loves miss Maria. He's a big helper and they say he loves to paint and throw trash away and build block towers. He's so well rounded :)
He is doing so well building 2 and sometimes 3 word phrases. He knows:
Dada ruck (when pointing to Austin's truck)
Orange star
I love mommy (or insert name of other person he knows)
Green bear
Call yaya (or papa or cici - those are the only people he has told me to call)
Daddy book - interestingly the only time he calls Austin daddy is when he wants to read the book Austin recorded. I assume it's because at the beginning austin says 'a gift for William read to you by daddy'
Weee airplane
Bye bye bus
Orange bus (yellow, orange - hard to distinguish)
I'm sure there are other phrases I'm forgetting. But he's doing so well! He has also asked me to put him on the potty every night before bath. He hasn't GONE potty yet but he sits there and then after awhile wants to wipe and flush. I have no idea what you do to potty train, so any tips or advice are welcome. I know he's young and we have awhile, but while he's showing interest I want to nurture it. At school he has wanted to sit on the potty once or twice a day, so maybe he'll learn sooner than I had thought. Fingers crossed! I'd sure feel like I won the lottery if I was done buying diapers anytime before next summer :)
I think that covers the high points of the week. It was another fun one!!! And one week closer to Christmas :)
- manda
Joaquin and Joel both have those rain boots! They are super duper cute!
ReplyDeleteThats funny Jennie cause you and your boys are the first thing I thought of when I saw te boots! Ha!