Oct 19, 2011

William Wednesday

William and I have had a fantastic week! I couldn’t have asked for it to be better. He was finally over his little bug on Friday, just in time for a fun weekend!

When we went over to our friends’ house Saturday night he commented that William was helping him to see the aspects of their house that will need to change before their son learns to crawl. Obviously that’s 6+ months down the road, but it’s never too soon to be planning William was pretty well behaved, and Kevin was especially impressed with his manners and how well he cleaned up after himself. I smiled quietly, accepting the compliment and knowing full well Goddard deserves the credit. But did I give it to them? Nah, I give them money instead. It’s a fair trade.

Sunday we watched “bootball” and got to see uncle “oh gosh” so naturally William was a happy bear all day. He says “oh gosh” on cue anytime I say “can you say Uncle Brian?” but when Brian was around he didn’t mutter the words once. What a performer! He just looked at me like I was nuts. After Brian left we talked to dada on Skype but William was FAR too busy to sit still for that. He ran in and out of the room laughing, squealing and goofing off. Occasionally he’d blow a kiss, wave, or say “hi dada” – he knew he was there and I think he wanted dada to see how busy he is. He’s got lots to do people!

Like hop in the tub with his clothes on. Oh, and turn the water on. I spent MUCH more time chasing him around on Sunday than I ever have and I fully understand how those moms in Shape magazine claim to lose weight by chasing toddlers. I used to wonder how they’d ever chase THAT much…but now I know. Sunday my head was spinning in circles he was so crazy. But it was adorable and enjoyable and I love his energy. I just wish I could bottle it up and save it for myself!

Monday and Tuesday William wanted to wear his army shirt to school. I think I’ve told him that it’s like dada’s enough times that he is now associating army with dada (or at least that shirt). Yesterday he whimpered, “army, dada, army, dada” – so naturally he broke my heart and could then have had anything he wanted. The fact that he settled for a t-shirt was the demise of his innocence. Good thing he doesn’t have manipulation down to an art yet, because he would definitely be taking all my lunch money!

Monday morning when I went to wake him up he was groggy and uninterested in opening his eyes and then, like a light bulb went off instantly, he sat up, pointed to his blankie and said with amazing clarity “monkey!” He has lots of blankies (I was given great advice to buy mass quantities of a baby’s favorite item so as not to ever be without it) and one of them has monkeys all over. It was as if he had been stewing on that word all night long and it FINALLY came to him. He hasn’t said it since, but now we know it’s there!

The most amazing part of his week (in a mother’s mind anyway) came on Sunday. He brought me a diaper, a box of wipes and a bottle of powder as he’s done countless times before. He said “poo poo” which he’s also done, but when I checked his diaper it was clean. Thinking he’d tricked me again I took the supplies and headed back to his room. I looked back, though, and saw that he was squatting…he had the recognition of his bowel movement BEFORE actually having it. If only his goofball mommy had realized it she could have whisked him into the bathroom. Oh well, he’s only 20 months old, we have PLENTY of time for more failed attempts at the potty.

He's fully transitioned into the next room at school. My itty bitty baby is a big ol' hippo. I can hardly believe it! But he's doing very well and has already won over the hearts of his two new teachers. He gives Miss Maria a kiss on the cheek before he leaves every day and she just adores him. But can you blame her?

I think that about sums up our week. Fun…busy…wild and crazy…it was a blast

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