In any case, I'll try to repeat it. I'm disappointed though because it was a good one and we all know Michelangelo couldn't repeat...oh what did he paint??? Jk :)
If my memory serves me correctly I started out boasting about how smart William is. It's a safe bet, anyway, since that seems to be all I talk about! Monday night we had a five star meal consisting of chicken nuggets and macaroni - William's favorite meal! I cut up his nuggets, as I have for a year, but when he saw Dada's he said 'I want a big one'. And I guess that's how bite size cutting dies! We gave him 2 unaltered Dino nuggets and he was pretty enthralled. He bit the tail and feet off one of them and declared, 'I ate three! One tail and two feet!'
Did my son just do mental math????
We had a very fun weekend. The radio station told us on Friday that fathers day is the most uncelebrated of all of the 'official'
Holidays, so we vowed to make sure that wasn't the case in our house. Saturday we went to the green man store (a hardware store that is - you guessed it - green) to get a desk and Dada got some fun new gadgets. To be honest I don't even know what he got, but he was excited and William was beyond pleased to tote the items around the man store. He LOVES the man store.
After the man store we spent the afternoon playing on the beach. We intended to grill burgers there too but William had an upset stomach and we ended up running out of diapers just as the charcoal was ready. Oh well!
He loved the beach though. We discovered that there is beach access just through the dunes in our neighborhood so we were on the beach about 10 minutes after we walked out of our front door (had to drive part of the way then walk through the dunes, but still - 10 minutes!) William spend the day sliding down into big holes that dada dug and burying his trucks then frantically joking, 'where did my trucks go???'

Sunday morning William put on his new 'Harley David shirt' that we bought at the 'Harley David store' and woke dada up with a clue to start a scavenger hunt. He followed dada to the microwave, where the first clue lead him, and they found gummy bears. I intended for William to go along the rest of the hunt to and help dada find the rest of his surprises, but apparently There was a flaw in my plan as the gummies should have been the final prize. Oops :)
Quite possibly the highlight of Williams week (in a mommy opinion) was when he blew me away at his school book fair. I told him we could buy a new book for him, one for baby Kelli, and one for baby Reagan (not kitty cat Reagan who is still MIA but his new cousin Reagan). At the fair I noticed shelves where teachers put 'wish list books' and parents could select books for their kids' classrooms. I found the angelfish shelf and William instantly grabbed the ambulance book. No surprise there, but then he pulled the piece of paper out that said which teacher the book should go to and he said, 'it says miss rebecca' - and it did!!! How did he know that??? We bought the book and as he went back into his room to give it to her I told her the story. She said, 'he's so bright! He can identify all of his friend's names written on paper'.
Need I say it again......genius?!?!
And, the part that tugs the strongest at my heart is how sweet his nature is on top of all else.

I could not be more proud :)
- manda
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