Jun 13, 2012

Sunk Dunk Dinner

William is SILLY! Oh my goodness he just cracks us up non stop.

He still LOVES to see the boats in the bay and excitedly screams 'what are those boats doing out of the waaaateerrrrr?' when we drive past boats that aren't in TW bay. He loves to tell us all about the scenery and name all the items he knows. But the funny stuff is just what he randomly comes up with.

Like when I asked him if the sail boats went to work and he said 'nooooo, sail boat doesn't have arms!' How could I argue?

Or when He turned upside down on his bed last week and said 'I'm an upside down spiderman!!' - I don't even know when or where he learned about spiderman!

I'm having stage fright right now because I know there are tons of examples over the last few weeks. Austin and I just look at each other baffled and cracking up every time he opens his mouth.

He has developed 2 of his own words now too. I know it's normal...I know my brother called airplanes 'bee bee owms' and he had some goofy word for motorcycles. But William hasnt had his own random words ever since he really learned to pronounce things. A few weeks ago we noticed he kept saying 'deed' though and finally realized deed means hurt. Deed on the arm or head or elbow...deed means he needs a kiss to make it all better.

The word that I DON'T know how to translate, the one that drives me nuts, is sunk dunk. It seems to be an answer to a multitude of questions and my best translation is 'leave me alone mom I'm in a silly mood and don't want to answer your questions'

What do you want for dinner William? SUNK DUNK!

What cars are you goin to take in the bath today? SUNK DUNK!

Do you want to call dada? SUNK DUNK!

I think he is very aware that it gets under my skin, and I think he loves it. One day I thought we were getting somewhere. I asked what he wanted for dinner and he replied 'astronaut food'. Ok...do astronauts eat chicken nuggets? No, he replied. Well what do they eat?


Of course they do.

I'm afraid he is fully in the 'I'm 2 and I'm testing my boundaries and I'm gonna get away with everything' stage of life. How long does this stage last? Cause I'm over it already. We are trying our best to remain calm and patient and be consistent but...well that boy can throw temper tantrums with the best of them. It's like his body is taken over by aliens for 10 minutes sometimes. Unreal! It's like he says 'oh, I can't stay in the bathtub after I've stood up an peed in it? Ok, I'll show you! I'll pull every book off my bookshelf and I'll throw all my buddies on the floor and I was rip - literally rip - this diaper off my bottom.' and so on! I wonder where he got the ability to throw these fits...

He missed Austin a lot while he was gone and towards the end he got mad at me when I told him we had to call him on the phone to talk to him. Luckily he's home now and we can finally get settled into our new life.

A few pictures from Our week...

Climbing a rope ladder and sliding down the slide on the other side

Magna tiles at relay for life!

Worn out after relay

First boat ride

His new cereal bowl from yaya and papa. He looooooves slurping the milk through the straw

- manda

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