I would have loved to have written a great post but I just was too distracted. So, I'll try my best today!
We have been trying to find the right time to go to the aquarium since we moved here. We almost went on memorial day weekend but there were maybe 150 in line outside the doors, and we didn't know how long the line was inside the doors so we decided to avoid the crowd! We were told that was 'normal' and we'd just have to deal with it but I didn't want to believe that. We did decide to buy a membership though, since I am guessing William will want to go often, so I bought one online last week so we could just speed through check in.
It wasn't nearly as crowded Sunday as we had seen it, and I'm really glad! It was hard enough to see some of the tanks as it was. The most popular tank we fought our way to see was the one that had all of the fish from finding nemo. It made me wonder if the aquarium revamped this tank after that movie just for the popularity :)

We were right though - William LOVED the aquarium. He loved every part of it! Or I should say - he loved every part we saw. We didn't see half of it I don't think. There are lots of touch pools and we only saw two, there is a traveling exhibit which we didn't get to, and we barely dabbled in the kid interactive play area. We did find a tunnel there though so that was heavenly!

Here he's touching star fish and bat rays!

He was fascinated with the entire place and he was very disappointed when it was time to leave. We'll be back soon though - we were equally enthralled! I decided that membership was the best charitable donation ever :)

And - it came with 2 annual guest passes so if you have the urge to see sea otter fur for yourself, or if you too want to visit The Jelly Experience I'll take you for free! Just a $500 plane ticket :)
William has been eating a lot lately, and all the parents out there know what that means - growing time! So we had to go shopping this weekend for some new pants and jackets. Well, I would have liked to make it multiple but we just found one jacket. June isn't the best time to shop for jackets :) but it's chilly enough in the mornings or on cloudy days that he needs them. So here's his new one:

I thought by buying 3T we would be buying it 'big' with room to grow. Unfortunately it looks to fit much better than I'd hoped. He sure likes it!
And it wouldn't be a proper William post if I didn't tell at least ONE story of his brilliance! One of our favorite games to play in the car is William asks 'what's that sign say?' and I either pick a letter from the sign or I repeat the question for him and he picks a letter. Then, regardless who picked the letter, he repeats the letter and says the word we associate with it. N is for Nancy, L is for Layla, O is for oh gosh - you get it. Well, M has forever been for mommy but yesterday we had this conversation:
What's that sign say?
What does that sign say?
What what? Last week mental math this week phonics? Ahhhhhh this boy never stops amazing me! Daily I'm in awe.
Oh - and before I go - a quick funny story. Sunday morning we all had breakfast in mommy/Dada's room before church and after we ate William was going to go downstairs for something. Next thing we heard:
"are you KIDDING ME??? Ah, I got POOP on my sock!"
We just died laughing.
Are you KIDDING me???
Have a happy Timothy Thursday - an please say lots of prayers for Colorado. The state will forever house a piece of my heart, and still physically houses my brother, so a piece of my heart is very very hurt right now.
- manda
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