Sep 30, 2010
Social Discretion
But that's a 4 year old.
I think 40+ year olds should have a little more social discretion. I'm not talking about skin color or obesity or any other social difference that commonly take attention. I'm talking about the cluster of 4 fever blisters that have claimed property rights on my upper lip.
Guess what everyone? I actually did realize Monday morning that I had a fever blister growing. And guess what? When said fever blister gave birth to 3 smaller fever blisters, then they joined forces to increase my already plump lip size 300% I was still very much aware. Had I not had the opportunity to see them staring at me the mirror, I did actually feel their presence as well. I felt my lip throbbing as they grew. I can feel them as I try to drink out of a water bottle without spilling(and fail), and as my lip literally almost touches my nose.
Yep, that's how wonderful my lips have looked this week. And yep, my coworkers were so concerned that I may not have been aware, that they chose to enlighten me.
"Wow, you have a huge fever blister!"
"Oh my goodness that's an awful fever blister"
"What is on your lip?! Did you eat something you're allergic to?"
"Tough month, this is the second time you've have huge fever blisters isn't it?"
"Ewwwwww, your lip looks painful"
"I've never seen so many fever blisters in one place"
Those are just a few of the comments that my peers have so kindly shared with me this week. It makes me very thankful that my classmates from elementary through college apparently had more tact than my well educated peers at Western Union. I do not need to be told of the abnormalities festering on my face. I see them, I feel them, but if I try hard enough I can pretend they are not there.
That is, until someone reminds me yet again.
Sep 29, 2010
Grab some Popcorn

Sep 27, 2010
A Tease?
I am all for evaluating costs and being efficient. I'm all for keeping up with where money is going and why. But excuse me for being irritated that a $50,000/year expense is being reviewed after we spent over $300,000 on a farewell lunch for our outgoing CEO. I apologize for not finding the necessity in the banners that were waving up and down every street entering/exiting our campus with the outgoing CEO's name printed all over it. I'm sorry that I rolled my eyes when I saw the expenses come through for the new employees from Costa Rica when they were visiting Denver. You see, we aren't hurting for money. We are a cash cow and the current economy is almost helping our revenue streams as international customers are migrating between countries to find work and need to send money back home to their families even more so than normal. So I'm struggling to see why this expense is being looked at through a microscope and picked through with a fine tooth comb.
A couple of months ago the instructors were asked to keep a head count in all of their classes because "the new ceo" (as they were told) is curious as to how many people are using the classes. I didn't see a problem with this. If anything I thought it could help them see the demand for various classes and maybe balance it out (for instance maybe we don't need 3 yoga classes when the attendance is never above 3 people) But apparently the head count wasn't enough because last week the instructors were asked to start taking actual attendance. This time they were told that the CEO is wanting to know if there are 200 people taking a few classes a week or 50 people taking a class every day. The overall cost does not change, but the marginal cost per employee changes. If there are 200 employees using the resources they are spending $250 per person annually, but if there are only 50 people then they are spending $1000 per person. I see the difference, but I am having trouble seeing why it matters. You either have 200 people who are moderately fit or 50 people who are very fit. Problem is, I think it's more like 50. But still!
That's 50 people who are most likely healthier than they were before. 50 people who are more productive throughout the day than they were before. 50 people who may have debated walking out of work last week never to return, but kept trying to remind themselves of the benefit of the awesome fitness classes. Ok, so there was probably only one employee in that situation last week. But it could have been 50, that's the point.
However, marginal cost seems to be king here. Well, don't let me get in the way. I'll just be Dana Anderson today, Paula Tichy tomorrow, Kathy Thiemes on Thursday, and maybe on Mondays and Fridays I'll be Amanda Wallis just so she looks like she cares more than one day a week. If all 50 of us did that, think of how much better we'd look? I'll see if I can get word out. Just can't let it get back to that new CEO of ours or he may reevaluate my salary........
Sep 24, 2010
Undefeated For Now
I know it hasn't been long since we last spoke. I just wanted to thank you for another wonderful weekend of football this past weekend. After such an exciting first weekend, I had prepared myself for a potential let down but you did not disappoint. With unpredictable wins, exciting plays, and miraculous comebacks you had me captivated all weekend.
My only problem here is that I'm sitting on top. I've been to Vegas once, and I was smart enough to cash out when I was on top. I feel like that's where I am now, except we still have 14 weeks of football. Too much room for error! The aggies came back from a 14 point deficit to retain their undefeated status; the Texans came back from a 17 point deficit to force overtime, block a field goal and win. And my fantasy team, thanks to Matt Schaub's great comeback, is riding on top for another week. It's all so wonderful that I just want to be able to cash out now. Call the season. Claim my prize.
This weekend the Aggies have a bye so I'm safe there, but the Texans play the Cowboys who are desperate for a win. The Texans have it in them to win but it will be a test for sure, and the wimp inside of me doesn't want to have to face it. Its a good thing the people suiting up aren't afraid to lose like I am, otherwise they may not even show up this weekend.
So, I'm asking once more for a wonderful football weekend filled with chips, guacamole, bratwurst, coors light (or blue moon, not quite the football beer but oh well) and 3 more tick marks in the W column. Thanks again for all you've done, and feel free to continue to impress. You're the best!
You're favorite buddy of all time,
Sep 22, 2010
William Wednesday
You heard a bit of William's week yesterday, so I guess I wandered off the beaten path a little bit. Other than being sick, he had another really fun week! He was sick for about half of it, though, so I guess I can't say it was the most fun week we've had to date. But the older he gets, the more fun we have. He didn't do anything new this week, just fine-tuned some skills he already had. He has now taken steps along the coffee table from one end all the way to the other, trying to grab anything in reach. I think he's done this every day since Thursday, so basically we can't leave anything on the coffee table unless we intend for him to insert it in his mouth. He has also taken steps towards me as I've held his hands, but he doesn't do that one as well because if I'm that close he just tries to lunge into my lap.
Along the lines of mobility, I can't believe how much better he gets with his crawling every day. Even though he's trying to learn to walk, he's still perfecting his crawl. I've watched a few videos that we've taken over the past 2 months and it amazes me every time at how much improvement we see in such a short amount of time. Last week he usually paused once or twice mid-crawl because he was trying to move forward with the same arm/leg that he had just used. He'd stop, get confused a bit, reset himself and start crawling again. Well, less than a week later that kink seems to have been worked out. Nancy and Reagan are not enjoying this, though, because now he can quickly get to them wherever they are. I can just see the disappointment in Nancy's face as she realizes what was once her cuddle buddy is now her predator. And Reagan never has gotten on board with the whole idea of having a baby in the house, so he definitely doesn't enjoy the mobility. Oh well Reagan, you can get on board or you can go pout in the corner! That's what I have to say about that, and his choice so far has always been to pout in the corner. :)
We've been playing new games with him too. One thing that I've done since he was first able to hold up his head is to bounce him on my knee while singing "this is the way the baby rides, the baby rides, the baby rides..." and go through baby, mommy, daddy, and cowboy - each time making my bounces faster and more vigorous (I'm sure plenty of you have played this game) Well, this week I've started playing with him sitting on my hips while I'm laying on the ground, then I raise and lower my stomach/hips with the chant. For some reason this new way of playing the same game is AMAZING and infinitely more fun than the old way. He starts to get excited when I change from the way the mommy rides to the way the daddy rides, then when I do the cowboy bounce he cracks up. He squeezes his little precious fingers around my hand as tight as he can, as if I would let him fall off. It's too funny!
Another game that he's enjoying is when Austin lays him across his calves and raises/lowers him. He did it for about 5 minutes on Monday night, then he stopped and William crawled away. Less than 5 minutes later William crawled back, climbed up on Austin's feet and wrapped his arms around his legs - just waiting for Austin to get on board with play time again. Then when Austin started raising him up he buried his face in between Austin's calves and started laughing. Clearly he enjoys bouncing!
So, all in all his week was a fun one. He isn't going to let some little ear infection interrupt TOO much. And I think he's really looking forward to going back to Mr. Scotty's house on Sunday to watch some football and play with Rusty. Mr. Scotty just installed the direcTV Sunday ticket, meaning every Sunday he will have the Texans available for viewing. I think we should just reserve our seats on his couch now. Good thing William has fun too! :)
Sep 21, 2010
It's Only Tuesday
Sep 16, 2010
New Goddard Pics
I couldn't wait until next Wednesday to share the pictures Miss Jennifer emailed me last night. I'll add more with next week's post, this is just a little taste of what he's up to at school. This month's theme is "community helpers" so they've learned about police officers, firemen, postal workers, etc. Doesn't he look precious in his fire chief hat??? I love it!
Now, back to work...
Sep 15, 2010
William Wednesday
Besides the return of William's horrible diaper rash, he had a great week! He is becoming funnier, more social, more opinionated, and just all around more fun every day. I have been working until about 8 every night so other than the weekend, I've missed it all. But Austin has enjoyed having some daddy-baby time and he's great about keeping me in the loop as far as what they're up to and what William is doing.
Thursday he had his first taste of plums which Austin said he gobbled up. Except, it looks like he lathered up more than gobbled to me:
Sep 14, 2010
If I Had a Door
My body language would say "enter and die"
I'd have avril lavigne or ashley simpson or some other screaming female vocalist blaring loud enough for my neighbor to be pissed.
But my neighbor wouldn't complain because my body language would say "enter and die".
If I had a door, I would probably add a lock.
I'd lock my door so my body language could not be misinterpreted.
I'd set my phone on the floor outside, letting callers know they will be ignored.
I'd stay logged out of my email service so that no one could reach me unless they came through my door.
But no one would come through my door because the knob would be locked and my body language would say "enter and die".
If I had a door, I'd probably also have a window. And if I had a window, I'd install blinds.
I'd close my blinds so tightly that passersby would think the light was off.
I'd keep a towel in the crack between the door and the floor so that the light couldn't escape.
I may even use headphones to listen to my pal avril so that the illusion of absence is achieved.
I'd appear to be absent, I'd speak to no one. I'd be working, for sure I'd be working.
But no one would know, because I'd have my own printer so as not to use the community printer.
A printer in my office. My office with a door. My door with a window. My window with the blinds. And the blinds, of course, closed.
If only I had a door. Then no one would see the mood I'm in. Because damn my inability to disguise my emotions across my face. My inability to pretend that when someone comes in frantic and running around as if the world is crashing down around us because we are one day behind on our soft deadling I get irritated. My inability to pretend that I actually care about the soft deadline. My inability to pretend I actually care about anything we do here.
If only I had a door.
Sep 13, 2010
Dear Football Season
I don't know why you were away for so long. You seem to come around for a short while, then leave just when I'm getting addicted. Why does it take you so long to return? In any case, I've missed you and I'm glad you're back.
Austin is equally glad that you're back and that I'm glad that you're back. You see, if Austin were to play video games or watch Family Guy or baseball or do any other single thing for 8 hours in one day, I'd probably flip a lid. I'd yell and scream (or just kindly say) that he was wasting an entire day and we need to mow the lawn and vacuum the carpet and walk the dog and fold socks...really anything other than sit mindlessly in front of the tv. But, everything is different in the fall. Rules change. Now it's perfectly ok for him to turn the TV on at 10 with the first pre-game show and keep it on football until 9 when the Sunday Night game ends. It's perfectly ok, you see, because I'm right there with him.
The other things still get done, they just get done much earlier in the day and much faster. Because at 11:00 the Texans play...and although I usually can't see them on TV, I listen live on the internet while I watch the Broncos. All while folding laundry and playing with a baby. It is multi-tasking at its finest, and I'm happy to do it.
I know last year I told you that I would never play that stupid fantasy game again, because it took away from my enjoyment of your simple game. But, I'm a glutton for punishment so I joined again. And guess what? I still was able to enjoy your games while winning in fantasy too.
I won. The Aggies won. The Texans won. The weather was great, birds were chirping, the smell of fresh laundry permeated the house, and I was in fall-heaven.
So welcome back. Get comfortable. Stay awhile. You're always welcome at our house. And this year, feel free to keep the Texans around through January and even into February.
A Huge Fan
Sep 10, 2010
Like when word needs to be spread about a good cause. Word spreads on facebook like wildfires (or wildflowers, alexis). The Book Campaign is one such cause who’s news facebook is working hard at spreading. 24 hours ago I knew nothing of it, and now I’m in love with it.
If you aren’t familiar with the boot campaign, check it out at or on facebook. If you don’t want to check out their site, I’ll tell you a bit about it. It was started by 5 ladies, the boot girls, in Texas (of course, what other state has more pride?) and the purpose is to raise money for organizations in support of combat veterans. Their slogan is, When They Come Back We Give Back. What a catchy phrase! They raise funds and support by selling combat boots that have their logo imprinted on the side of the shoe. They are also getting ready to release a tribute album with songs from various country music artists where all proceeds will go to the Lone Survivor Foundation and other veterans associations. They have spread their popularity through celebrities such as Gretchen Wilson, Houston Astros players, t.u. coach Mack Brown, aTm coach Mike Sherman, Houston Texans coach Gary Kubiak, Dallas Cowboys’ cheerleaders, and many others who have bought boots and sported them for campaign posters. People all over the country are joining the group on facebook and posting pictures of them putting their boots on. The concept is that when you put your boots on, you will be reminded of those who put the very same boots on day after day to protect your freedom. What better day to be reminded of that than the eve the 9th anniversary of 9/11.
I remember where I was on September 11. I was a selfish 17 year old girl who was irritated that my day was being disrupted. We were being held in one class for the rest of the day, extracurricular activities were being cancelled, and all anyone wanted to talk about was what we were watching repeatedly on the TV screens. As shamed as I am to admit it now, I openly shared that I didn’t see how this had any impact on me. I didn’t know anything of terrorists or people who hated our country. I didn’t know there were groups of people around the world who would love nothing more than to see us fall. I was shocked to learn that people in Pakistan were cheering at the sight of innocent lives lost. My shell of comfort, security, ignorance and possibly even arrogance was shattered as I learned of the realities in our world. I never considered myself a sheltered person until that day. Until I learned that thousands of lives would be lost not only that day but also over the next 10+ years. And I had no idea how closely this would affect my life in the years to come. I thought I was safe. I was untouchable. I was American.
The truth is that we weren’t immune to such attacks. Along with millions of others, I blindly believed that because we had been on top for so long we were invincible. I was like the foolish celebrity who thinks their spouse won’t find out they’ve had 50+ affairs. And I was wrong.
Today my brother is fighting in a war that came as a direct result of the attacks that day. Today my husband prepares to go fight in the country where our 9/11 conspirators are plotting their next target. Today I do not ask, “How does this have any effect on my life?” It effects every single day of my life. We cannot, and should not, have such arrogance to assume that we are safe from such attacks. However, the arrogance comes because we have so many selfless men and women who are willing to step in front of us and provide us that safety. They are willing to do whatever they can, give whatever they can, to protect the livelihood of their countrymen, some of whom spit in their faces as a result. After the abundance of American pride began to fade, after the flags were taken off the car windows, after the friendly smiles were replaced with their previous scorns, and after life was “back to normal” for most Americans these men and women continued to serve. They continued to salute the flag and wear the boots, working hard to defend our freedoms. As always, I am in awe of and eternally grateful for their selfless call to service. I want to say “thanks”, though “thanks” is not enough, to those people who are so willing to give their life for me.
Today, one of the boot girls wrote a beautiful blog post in tribute to 9/11 in which she encourages her readers to “put your boots on” and support and thank those who do so for you. If you have time to read it, you should. She sends her message beautifully and writes it in a way I can’t. While you’re on the site you can sift through the pictures of all the people in their boots too. Grab your tissues as you see the image of a baby not much older than William sitting next to his daddy’s boots; his hero who he never met. Stories like that are so heart wrenching that I love to think they don’t happen, but they do. And it is because that boy’s daddy had such a deep love for his country and his family’s freedoms. Whether you put your boots on or not, remember those who are laying it all down for you. Remember those innocent lives lost on September 11, 2001 and thank God that you were born into such a strong nation.
Sep 9, 2010
The Monster is Back
Yesterday Austin took his soldier to his house to collect some belongings, and he is going to store them in our garage until he gets a new place. So when Austin got home last night he backed his truck into our garage so that after William was in bed we could unload his soldier's washer and dryer off the bed of the truck. He would have kept his truck parked in the driveway, but it looked like rain and he didn't want them to be rained on.
When I got home at 7:45 I just parked in the driveway (even though my precious TB belongs in the garage) and was headed inside when it hit me: the garage door had been open all evening, and the sun was now down. There was a good chance Rosco could be in my garage, and I wasn't going to risk a rendezvous so I went in the front door instead. (I realize that may sound funny, but we don't ever use our front door - is this normal or abnormal?) Austin made fun of me for a good 5 minutes about being so afraid of a raccoon who was most likely nowhere near our house, and I just let him have his chuckles. yeah yeah, ha ha.
I had gotten home just in time for bed time with William, then Austin and I sat down and ate a quick dinner. Afterwards he said he was going to move the washer and dryer out of his truck so he could pull his truck back out to the driveway and close the garage. I asked if he needed help and he said "If I do I'll come back in and let you know"
Two seconds later he opens the door and says, "Good thing you didn't come out here with me"
I misunderstood him and thought he said he needed help. Ok, I didn't misunderstand. I just wasn't listening, but did hear that he was talking. I took the safe route in assuming that he needed my help and I went to the garage door. When I opened it he was already pulling the dryer off the truck. I said "I thought you needed my help?" He responded, "no, I said good thing you didn't come out here. The raccoon was back"
I don't know where this rodent lives. I don't know where else he gets food, but he apparently has pegged my house as a source of indulgence. Does he meander over to my garage every night in hopes that I've left it open? Does he sit on the front stoop all night long, whining and pining for a nibble of that good ol' Iams weight control (marketing gimmick) cat food?
Well, jokes on you Rosco. Rubbermaid is a wonderful invention and you will not make my fat cat Reagan starve. Go find a new sucker. As for me, I am moving one of Austin's shotguns to the door by the garage and you better beware.
**I will not move a shotgun into the kitchen. With my luck reagan would knock it over and somehow pull the trigger. or William. or layla. or even me. But don't tell Rosco. he needs to be afraid.**
Sep 8, 2010
Wednesday again?
Thursday - Miss Kim told me that at school they're all marvelling at how quickly William picks up on motor skills. She is "sure" he'll be an early walker because once he got crawling down, that wasn't enough for him anymore. Now he needs to pull up. He also likes to stand on his feet and hands rather than knees and hands a lot - like he's making a bridge.
Friday - Austin and William had the day off while mommy had to work. Totally fair. William had a shot, which he took like a champ with no tears, then they played at home. He is growing to really, really love his basketball game that I showed you last week. The only problem is he thinks its the perfect height to grab onto the top and pull himself up. Please see my note about light weight baby toys.
Saturday - We took William to his first girlfriend's house, Miss Corrine. Corrine is a former coworker of Austin's who got out of the Army in February. She now rents a house in our neighborhood and works as a civilian contractor. We hadn't seen her in awhile, but William didn't forget - he just LOVES Corrine. I think its her high pitched voice and how excited she gets to see him. After an afternoon of football we went down to the outlet mall to grab William some clothes for next summer. We got a bunch of stuff for an average of $2 each. What a bargain! :)
Sunday - I'm really drawing a blank here. Ah yes, Austin played golf, William fell off the bed, William slammed his head into the slats of his I'm remembering why I purposely forgot this day. Poor baby had a rough morning! Then he and I went to Target, Babies r Us, Sprouts (a produce grocery store) and I made TONS of baby food. Did you ever know "black plums" are really bright red? you learn that when you take the skins off and puree the steamed plums. Why aren't they red plums?
Monday - I had to work from home for a little bit, then we met up with the Campaign Director from Light the Night so I could get some marketing tools to hang around the office. Then we cleaned some around the house, played with William, went on a walk, and that finished up our nice long weekend. I did learn that if I want Austin to clean the house I don't have to ask; I just have to put on the tv show Hoarders! It makes him go cleaning-nuts. It rocks!
Yesterday at school Miss Jennifer said William was getting even better at pulling himself up and holding himself there, and is no long content to just sit on the floor or crawl around. Now he needs to crawl and stand up. I know people say they can't believe how fast babies grow - and I know it gets old hearing it - but its so true! I feel like he JUST grasped the idea of rolling over. Wasn't that just like last week? Or last month? Or something like that???? How did he get where he is now when I hardly even had time to breathe? Yikes. He'll be walking by the next time I open my eyes I'm sure.
Annnnnnd up go the baby gates! I have a feeling I'm about to lose some pounds on the weekends...
Sep 3, 2010
This Month
The one thing I have to look to forward to this month comes Sept 30, and that's the Light the Night walk. A BIG HUGE ENORMOUS HEARTFELT thank-you goes out to my supporters: Ernest, Shelley, Brian, Nico, BB, Chelsea, Aunt Mandy, Pat, and Jonathan. You have helped me far exceed my goal of $500 and now I am $165 away from being a "Bright Light for the Cure" - I'm not sure what that means, but it would double my goal so it would be a wonderful milestone.
My mom and Alfredo have decided to fly up here and do the walk with us, so that will be a lot of fun. My mom's ankle will hopefully be healed by then so that she can be in charge of pushing William's stroller. We've been walking Layla lately and I'm not sure if she'll make it for 3 miles, but we'll try to work her up to that before the'll just be a decision we have to make later.
One of our teammates lost a sister in May to Leukemia and her entire family is joining our team to walk which is great. It'll be an emotional evening for them I'm sure, but I know they're glad to support LLS and walk in her memory. From what I understand she left behind a husband and two kids who will be at the walk.
I'm very excited to be a part of the walk and to be able to do what little I can in order to help those who are struggling with a battle about which I unfortunately know so much. If you haven't ever read my posts about the walk, you can find them on Sept 3, 2009, Oct 2, 2009, and July 29, 2010. It's a wonderful event and, again, I am so thankful to my supporters - financially and emotionally. You Rock!
But, Sept 30 isn't here yet. So, for now I'll get back to the tax grind. Ho Hum.
Sep 1, 2010
William Wednesday
His uncle Brandon and Aunt Dana gave him this basketball game when he was just a wee lad in my belly, and I have been itching to get it out for him! It may be hard to tell, but there are 2 basketballs, a net, 2 spinning numbers on the top, a boingy (???) cheering fan on one side, a plastic basketball that slides up and down on the other...I think that's about it. The absolute last thing he cares about on the toy is the actual basketballs. No interest in putting them in the basket, he just wants to tug on the basket so the fans cheer and clap. He loves it! Austin showed him how to slide the plastic basketball up and down while I showed him the spinning numbers, so between all of that he is gaining no knowledge of the ball-in-the-basket concept. Oh well, he has a blast!
One complaint here: why can't fisher price figure out that toys should be weighted on the bottom? Invention idea here. William now has this toy and another fisher price toy that he inherited from a coworker of mine - he loves both, he tries to pull on both and he knocks himself in the head with both. They have no weight to hold them down. Is there a reason here? Because I find it frustrating that they are making billions on children's toys yet they can't figure out how to alleviate the problem of the ever-present red mark on William's forehead. Moving on...
William has become very ticklish in the last month or two and Austin loves to tickle him. That's ok with me because he seems to tickle me less - its a win win here. William enjoys it too, which is really what matters. On Friday after Austin had finished feeding him his dinner he was still sitting in his bumbo chair (best invention ever...who needs a messy, clunky high chair?) and Austin started tickling his feet. He immediately leaned back, spread his arms wide and started laughing. Austin would stop, he'd come back to a normal seated position, then Austin would go in again and he'd lean right back into the same position. I got one blurry picture, but when I sat there longer with my phone in hopes to get a more clear image, William noticed the camera was out so he had no interest in playing tickle-time with daddy. He loves the camera! So, a blurry picture will have to do.
And with all the fun and games, its hard to get the boy to nap these days. He doesn't want to waste the time! So his naps usually come in when he's bouncing on daddy's lap, trying to climb on his shoulders into the chair, and then just instantly slumps into a deep sleep. That's our baby :)