Sep 21, 2010

It's Only Tuesday

I feel like its Friday. I feel like its the Friday before a long-anticipated 3 day weekend. You know those Fridays - the ones where you feel like if you didn't have 3 days off coming your way you may collapse on the floor and never get up. That's how today feels - except its Tuesday. I have 3 days of work ahead of me, not 3 days off.

Last week work was pretty awful. On Thursday I was so mad at one point I grabbed my phone and my keys, walked out to my truck and called Austin. He asked me if I had my purse with me and I said, "No, because I was afraid if I brought my purse out with me I may never go back in". Obviously I knew I'd be going back in, I had no real intention of leaving. But the thought did cross my mind once or twice. We did somehow managed to make our deadline of Friday, though. Kathy was still reviewing at 5:00 Friday and Dana suggested that Paula and I go home, then she'd call and let us know if we needed to come in Saturday to clear review notes. I thought Dana's voice sounded nothing short of angelic Friday night when she called to let me know Kathy only had 2 corrections which could easily be made Monday morning. I was granted a full weekend!

The weekend was pretty good, just not very restful. Then yesterday I was home with a sick baby and up all night last night with a sick baby. I had been salivating at the thought of soon taking a day off work to be home...but being home with a sick baby is the worst. He has another ear infection which the doctor said is probably a result of the head cold/flu that he has. So he is now on an antibiotic for the infection and hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning he'll start feeling better. But there's nothing worse than an inconsolable screaming baby at 3 in the morning. I didn't mind that I was awake and not sleeping, I minded that he was in so much pain and there was nothing I could do to help him. He slept from 8-11 then from 3:30 until about 9 this morning. Had I been smart I would have gone to bed with him at 8 rather than waiting until 10:30, because that meant I got to sleep from 10:30-11 and then from 3:30-6:30. Not that my last 3 hours of sleep were restful either, though, because William was making a lot of noise and kicking and just not sleeping too soundly himself. Since I took off yesterday, Austin is home with him today and said he slept well from the time I left until he woke up at 9. That's good news.

As for me - I'm sitting here staring at my 12oz can of redbull, trying to force it down. It has to help. Because I need to open the 2 folders that are sitting next to me and actually get some work done. Then maybe I'll also muster up the energy to check my voicemails and see what people (Dana) need. Then maybe I'll make it to the workout class (the cost/value of which our lovely new CEO is now reviewing - more on that another day) And maybe I'll make it through the day, and the next 3 days, without collapsing on the floor that I'm quite certain hasn't been cleaned in the 6 years this building has been here. I realize I'm putting a lot of faith and trust in my red bull at this point. But if they can market that red bull can actually give me wings, don't you think the least it can do is just keep me functional???

I'll keep you posted on its success/failure. For now, enjoy another shot of my precious boy in his happier times at school:

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