Sep 8, 2010

Wednesday again?

Has it really already been a week? I will have to sit and ponder a little bit over the last 7 days because I am not even sure 7days have actually passed this time, much less what happened in that time! Seriously. Where did the week go? So, while I ponder, I invite you to jump into my brain and join me on this ride through the week...

Thursday - Miss Kim told me that at school they're all marvelling at how quickly William picks up on motor skills. She is "sure" he'll be an early walker because once he got crawling down, that wasn't enough for him anymore. Now he needs to pull up. He also likes to stand on his feet and hands rather than knees and hands a lot - like he's making a bridge.

Friday - Austin and William had the day off while mommy had to work. Totally fair. William had a shot, which he took like a champ with no tears, then they played at home. He is growing to really, really love his basketball game that I showed you last week. The only problem is he thinks its the perfect height to grab onto the top and pull himself up. Please see my note about light weight baby toys.

Saturday - We took William to his first girlfriend's house, Miss Corrine. Corrine is a former coworker of Austin's who got out of the Army in February. She now rents a house in our neighborhood and works as a civilian contractor. We hadn't seen her in awhile, but William didn't forget - he just LOVES Corrine. I think its her high pitched voice and how excited she gets to see him. After an afternoon of football we went down to the outlet mall to grab William some clothes for next summer. We got a bunch of stuff for an average of $2 each. What a bargain! :)

Sunday - I'm really drawing a blank here. Ah yes, Austin played golf, William fell off the bed, William slammed his head into the slats of his I'm remembering why I purposely forgot this day. Poor baby had a rough morning! Then he and I went to Target, Babies r Us, Sprouts (a produce grocery store) and I made TONS of baby food. Did you ever know "black plums" are really bright red? you learn that when you take the skins off and puree the steamed plums. Why aren't they red plums?

Monday - I had to work from home for a little bit, then we met up with the Campaign Director from Light the Night so I could get some marketing tools to hang around the office. Then we cleaned some around the house, played with William, went on a walk, and that finished up our nice long weekend. I did learn that if I want Austin to clean the house I don't have to ask; I just have to put on the tv show Hoarders! It makes him go cleaning-nuts. It rocks!

Yesterday at school Miss Jennifer said William was getting even better at pulling himself up and holding himself there, and is no long content to just sit on the floor or crawl around. Now he needs to crawl and stand up. I know people say they can't believe how fast babies grow - and I know it gets old hearing it - but its so true! I feel like he JUST grasped the idea of rolling over. Wasn't that just like last week? Or last month? Or something like that???? How did he get where he is now when I hardly even had time to breathe? Yikes. He'll be walking by the next time I open my eyes I'm sure.

Annnnnnd up go the baby gates! I have a feeling I'm about to lose some pounds on the weekends...

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