A friend of mine gave me a valuable gift at William's shower called "The Happiest Baby on the Block" It is a DVD made by a psychologist that gives pointers on how to calm/soothe an upset infant. William wasn't a terrible cryer luckily, but I did try some of the tactics from the start so maybe that helped. In any case, the psychologist referred to the first 3 months of the baby's life as the fourth trimester of pregnancy, because the baby doesn't do very much and is just adjusting to being in the world. After that, though, the growth and development is like rapid fire. I swore I wouldn't be a mom who said repeatedly "I can't believe how fast they grow". I swore I'd just keep my mouth shut. And I know that everyone is aware of how quickly they grow and doesn't need my reminding...but its TRUE. Its just incredible to see the rapid changes that happen in just one day.
Last Wednesday William was trying to drink water out of Austin's glass. We let him have a couple of sips, then realized he wanted more than just that but we didn't want to hand him a glass. So I went and got a sippy cup and put about 6 ounces or so of water in it. He had a BLAST drinking it and it took him about 10 minutes to figure out how to hold it himself. By Friday he knew how to pick it up, lift it to his mouth, and put it back down. Sometimes he gets it upside down but he knows how to tilt it back on his own too. He certainly doesn't want my help with that; if I try to help him get it back upright he gets very angry with me. Yesterday morning he didn't want to leave his cup at home so I had to take it away for 2 seconds to put his name label on it for school and that little separation was torture for the poor boy. He's so proud when he learns to do something new!
This weekend we had lots of fun. Austin and I had decided we wanted to get all of our weekend to-do's done on Saturday so we had all day Sunday for football (or anything other than chores). We ran some errands, I did laundry, Austin changed door knobs and curtain rods, we cleaned - it was a busy day. It was no less busy for our little man either. We got out his little lion push-cart and raised the seat so that he could try standing up and pushing it around. The first time he stood up with it he looked at me with a concerned look on his face. He wasn't quite sure what to do. Then when he pushed and realized it moved he was even more concerned. But, by Sunday evening he was able to push it and take a few steps with it. I haven't seen him take more than 4 steps before plopping down on his cute little heiny, but he looks so big walking with a push cart. I can't believe he is actually taking little assisted steps! I told Miss Jennifer at Goddard and the very next day they had a push cart for him to play with at school. They're so awesome! She told me yesterday that he likes to ride on it too, so we may have to try that this week. So far we just had it positioned as a walker.
Also on Saturday, William decided its time he learns how to climb the stairs. We were in our entry way while Austin was changing the front door knob and he crawled over, pulled himself up, and raised his leg trying to climb up. He didn't get his leg high enough and never did get up a stair - but I know if we had let him try any longer he would have figured it out. Looks like its time for MORE baby gates. I should be in the baby gate business - those things are pretty expensive, but necessary for anyone with a mobile baby! (also comes in handy for locking an obnoxious cat downstairs or keeping a piggy dog out of the litter box...)
After the door knobs were done I started cooking (a REALLY DELICIOUS) dinner for Austin and me. William was all over the place crawling...in the living room, entry way, office, and kitchen, but when he saw one of the kitchen cabinets open he high-tailed it over there and pulled everything out. I had no idea that a food scale and 2 colanders could actually entertain a baby for 45 minutes. Literally...45 minutes! He played with those toys the entire time I cooked and while we ate. The only times he set them aside was when Reagan walked in the kitchen and he had to try his hardest to get him. I can see the determination in his face saying, "One of these days, fat boy, one of these days you're mine" as Reagan scurries away.
Sunday we went over to Mr. Scott's house again and watched football. During the first game he had his Steelers on his projection screen while we watched the Texans in his son's playroom. William quickly decided that it was his playroom. Scott's son, Jake, is 4 and lives in Colorado Springs with his mom - but he has more toys than any 4 year old I've ever seen at his dad's house alone! He has a Thomas the Train play table with a train set. The train set was put away but William loved walking along side the play table and pulling all the toys off. It was much more fun for him than trying to pull up on our coffee table and us not allowing him to pull anything off :) He had a blast! Jake also has a 3 tiered shelf with buckets that hold toys, which William proceeded to dump out all over the floor. He liked the buckets more than their contents I think!
Then Monday came and William got his first shot at fame. We got the pictures back from his 6 month photo shoot! There are a few of him with Austin's boots on, so I shared one with the Boot Campaign facebook page that I told you about a couple weeks ago. Well, the social director emailed me and asked for my permission to use William's pictures to advertise their new line: Li'l Boots. How cool is that?! Look at this face - how could you not love it?!

So, that was William's week in a nutshell. A few other key points:
~he REALLY wants to get to Reagan, but so far Reagan hasn't allowed him within a foot of him. such a scaredy cat
~nancy is being SO good while William is learning boundaries. William learned that cats have claws 2 nights ago, though, because he squeezed on nancy's foot and found one!
~he love, love, loves the little boingy door stopper things that all kids like to play with. that had him entertained for a good 20 minutes Monday night.
~he thinks he needs to go outside to go potty when layla does.

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