Sep 15, 2010

William Wednesday

This week's post isn't nearly as fun for me because I am relying mostly on information from other people to fill you in on William's week. Which means I've missed most of it, which I hate. But, I'll leave that part alone since I think I ranted enough yesterday and I'll move on to happier things.

Besides the return of William's horrible diaper rash, he had a great week! He is becoming funnier, more social, more opinionated, and just all around more fun every day. I have been working until about 8 every night so other than the weekend, I've missed it all. But Austin has enjoyed having some daddy-baby time and he's great about keeping me in the loop as far as what they're up to and what William is doing.

Thursday he had his first taste of plums which Austin said he gobbled up. Except, it looks like he lathered up more than gobbled to me:
Saturday night we went to a surprise going away (joke's on kaila cause she's really staying) party for Kaila down in Castle Rock. I worked in the morning, then I was responsible for getting Kaila out of her sister's house and back over there so when I saw William after the big "SURPRISE" I high-tailed it over to him. I missed him so much! Didn't help that the yelling of all of the guests scared him...made me need to get to him even faster so I could cuddle him and make him a happy baby again. He had fun being with all the people, and I think he especially liked the bed we built for him:Sunday was probably one of his most fun days to date. I (again) worked in the morning, then came home in time to see the 4th quarter of the Texans game. After they clobbered the Colts we went over to Austin's first sergeant's house for the rest of opening-weekend of football. I don't like to call him by his name because it feels like calling your school teachers by their first names, but for the sake of this blog I will. His name is scott, by the way. William LOVED Scott's house. I couldn't really figure out what made it so exciting - but to him it was this whole new universe to discover I think.

Usually when we go to other people's houses William likes to just be held. If he wants to play at all its just right in front of me, he doesn't want to go too far. Not at Scott's house. He was all over the place! Climbing on bean bags, climbing on the crib mattress Scott (so kindly) laid out for William's naps, trying to climb on the table to get the snacks, etc. And he thought everything was HILARIOUS. He was laughing for hours. He especially liked if he rolled over while I was changing his diaper, making me flip him back over. Apparently that's a game and not business time...which made the diaper-changing a bit of a challenge.

The best part about William's visit to Mr. Scotty's house was that he TOOK TWO STEPS along the side of the couch. He had just learned to pull himself up to standing sometime last week, perfected it by the end of the week, then on Sunday he was ready for steps. How does it all happen so fast?! Scott has a puppy who he was trying to train to stay away from William, so Rusty (the puppy) wasn't allowed to explore wherever William was. The problem with that is that William likes pets! So, William pulled himself up by the edge of the couch, looked at me with a big, mischievous grin, then he took his steps! Once he had taken 2 steps he was at the end of the couch and wasn't sure what to do. He looked back at me and then plopped on his butt to finish his adventure by crawling over to Rusty. He was so proud when he looked up at me though! I said "Yay baby! I saw you!!!" And he gave me the most prideful smile he's ever had. I wish my camera hadn't been upstairs. :( He stayed up way too late over at Scott's, but he wasn't fussy. He was just too excited to sleep! But once we got in the car and were 1 inch down the driveway he was sacked out for the night.

This week every morning I've dropped him off at Goddard Miss Kim has told me how he is just getting braver and braver and wants to stand up everywhere. I told her this morning that he even used a gliding ottoman, i.e. an unstable surface, to help him stand. Then once he was stable he released his hands and looked up at me like "OH MY GOSH I'M STANDING ON MY OWN!" It only lasted about 3 seconds, but we were both pretty proud.

Little miss Helen was sure excited to see William this morning. I don't think I've ever seen her smile and she grinned ear to ear when I walked in the room carrying him. Kim said, "Yep, that's how they are all day!" Helen took her first steps along side a railing last Thursday so I guess that's where William got the motivation. Gotta be able to chase his girlfriend wherever she goes! They've been taking a lot more pictures at school so hopefully I get those to share with you soon. You can see William the fireman!
He's had a great week, it just makes me sad that I haven't been there. But I know that next year Austin will miss every night so I can handle 2 weeks. Plus I still have the morning time, which is still probably his favorite part of the day. He's such a happy boy!!!

1 comment:

  1. ohhh reading this brings back some memories! My advice...DON'T LET HIM cruise along anything. Push him down...when they start walking GAME OVER!! :)
