Sep 9, 2010

The Monster is Back

One of Austin's soldiers is having some personal issues, and I seem to be making a connection between him and my pesky little friend. This is the soldier who Austin was helping last week when I had my first near-death encounter with Rosco the Raccoon.

Yesterday Austin took his soldier to his house to collect some belongings, and he is going to store them in our garage until he gets a new place. So when Austin got home last night he backed his truck into our garage so that after William was in bed we could unload his soldier's washer and dryer off the bed of the truck. He would have kept his truck parked in the driveway, but it looked like rain and he didn't want them to be rained on.

When I got home at 7:45 I just parked in the driveway (even though my precious TB belongs in the garage) and was headed inside when it hit me: the garage door had been open all evening, and the sun was now down. There was a good chance Rosco could be in my garage, and I wasn't going to risk a rendezvous so I went in the front door instead. (I realize that may sound funny, but we don't ever use our front door - is this normal or abnormal?) Austin made fun of me for a good 5 minutes about being so afraid of a raccoon who was most likely nowhere near our house, and I just let him have his chuckles. yeah yeah, ha ha.

I had gotten home just in time for bed time with William, then Austin and I sat down and ate a quick dinner. Afterwards he said he was going to move the washer and dryer out of his truck so he could pull his truck back out to the driveway and close the garage. I asked if he needed help and he said "If I do I'll come back in and let you know"

Two seconds later he opens the door and says, "Good thing you didn't come out here with me"

I misunderstood him and thought he said he needed help. Ok, I didn't misunderstand. I just wasn't listening, but did hear that he was talking. I took the safe route in assuming that he needed my help and I went to the garage door. When I opened it he was already pulling the dryer off the truck. I said "I thought you needed my help?" He responded, "no, I said good thing you didn't come out here. The raccoon was back"


I don't know where this rodent lives. I don't know where else he gets food, but he apparently has pegged my house as a source of indulgence. Does he meander over to my garage every night in hopes that I've left it open? Does he sit on the front stoop all night long, whining and pining for a nibble of that good ol' Iams weight control (marketing gimmick) cat food?

Well, jokes on you Rosco. Rubbermaid is a wonderful invention and you will not make my fat cat Reagan starve. Go find a new sucker. As for me, I am moving one of Austin's shotguns to the door by the garage and you better beware.

**I will not move a shotgun into the kitchen. With my luck reagan would knock it over and somehow pull the trigger. or William. or layla. or even me. But don't tell Rosco. he needs to be afraid.**

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