Dec 14, 2010

Really? Really, Really?!

I've had a lot of "really?!" moments lately. Here are some for your entertainment:

Yesterday someone asked me "Why is your baby so skinny?" Hmm, 2 responses crossed my mind. First, "obviously he got it from his super skinny mom". I opted for the more appropriate response of "Because he's tall". Really? Did she ask me that?

Also yesterday, Matt Schaub. If you watched the Texans game, you don't need me to explain. If you didn't, you probably don't care. So, I'll just say: Matt Schaub. Really?

At the battalion Christmas party this weekend the room was getting really hot and William was getting too warm in his overalls, so I took them off. He had on a white onesie underneath, so I let him crawl around in that. Someone walked by "ooo someone better put some clothes on that baby, why would his parents let him be naked?" Ok. He wasn't naked. Also, either the parents aren't around which is a bigger problem than him being unclothed, or his parents are RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU and you should probably have more tact.

A girl who is commonly late here at work, and comes up with the most amazing stories, is now late today because her brand new car wouldn't go in reverse. It just wouldn't back up. I'm still not sure where in the story she explained how she was able to get it to the car dealership, or why she turned down our coworker's offer to give her a ride from the dealership to work - but the point here is that her brand new car (ok 4 months old) just had a trial-version of reverse. Really?! And her boss bought it like she buys all the other stuff she sells!!!

Ok, those are just some samples. My brain is just repeatedly asking myself, really? All day. It's fun!

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