Dec 22, 2010

Whoa is it Wednesday?

I'm lost on my days. My brain is just twisted and stretched and I don't know what time it is or what day it is, but every day I see my advent calendar tell me how many days I don't have before Christmas. That's all I know! This time of year is just ridiculous - I need to have a serious discussion with whoever designed the calendar. Really? 3 holidays within 35 days? That's just poor planning. And then the stupid accounting world who decided that books should close right after these insanely timed holidays? Now that was just someone who enjoyed self mutilation.

In any case, I realized it was wednesday before it was too late so that's a success. I didn't write about William last week because of the things that were more pressing - like needing prozac on our anniversary, then realizing I didn't need prozac because our anniversary was great, then finally realizing that inheritances suck. It was a busy 3 days. But I'm not talking about me am I? Or I'm not supposed to be. So, without further rambling, onto William!

Would you roll your eyes and get annoyed if I reiterated that William gets more and more fun every day? Some days he literally has me laughing until my stomach hurts. He's just hilarious! We miss daddy tremendously, please don't misunderstand, but we have so much fun in the evenings that my weeks really do breeze by. He makes it go by faster - whether that's what I want or not. (still torn on that)

His walking skills are getting better every day - literally! Every day he is better than the day before. He now takes 5-10 steps then when he feels his body start to get ahead of his feet he can stop, stand still to regain his balance, and begin walking again. Yesterday he walked to layla, leaned to give her a hug, then stood back up and walked to Austin. Once he gets to his final destination he still chooses to just fall over - so he fell onto austin's stomach - but he doesn't fall en route. He is enjoying being able to arrive next to Layla and almost be at her height. He can reach her collar tag perfectly at eye level, which is also a source of amusement for him.

A couple of weeks ago he altered his bedtime routine - did I already write about this? He used to sit in our laps right after bathtime, drink his bottle and go to sleep. Now he wants to play right after bath time. It usually only lasts 15-20 minutes but he crawls or walks around the room, pulling things off shelves, playing with his night light (not plugged into a wall, FYI), listens to his sound machine, laughs, rolls on Nancy...repeats all of the above then he crawls over to me as if to say "ok mom, now I'm ready". Then he is just as cuddly as ever, which melts my heart.

The past week or so has been a challenge trying to get him to eat. He's getting to the stage where he wants to feed himself but there are only so many things that are finger-foods. He can have snacks, or bananas, or mac-n-cheese...but there's just really not a lot to choose from. He doesn't want me to feed him from a spoon and gets mad when I try, so I'm getting creative with what he eats for dinner.

And - another thing that will make you roll your eyes due to repetition - William LOVES nancy. He loves her more and more as he grows and it just cracks me up sometimes. Nancy will hiss if Layla even THINKS of invading her personal space, or any dog for that matter, but she will allow William to do anything to her. We try to control it and teach him how to be nice, but its not always successful. That is to say, it is never successful and the only times he pets "soft" are when we take his hand and make him. He just laughs and laughs and laughs as he rolls all over her, and she just lays there staring at us as if we can help her. But she never budges, never hisses, and never scratches. She is the perfect pet, and I'm so thankful because I never would have thought William would love her like he does. This morning William and Austin were laying on our bed when Nancy jumped up there. William got really loud and excited, sat up, and started to go towards her. She just snuck around him and laid in austin's arm where William had been laying, then purred to her heart's content while William pulled on her fur. They are the cutest of buddies!

I was out of town this weekend so I missed William tremendously. Austin called me on Sunday afternoon to let me hear them playing and I almost burst into tears. I was so happy to hear how much fun they were having, but I missed them both like crazy. I asked Austin who he thought had it worse/harder in these separations - me or him. (neither of us even thinking William has it the hardest, of course) He said he thinks it's about the same(I received a text from him one day saying "I had no idea how hard it is to do this by yourself, I don't know how you do it), but I think the person who is gone has it harder. But then, Austin shared with me the one thing that makes being away a little more bearable: picking William up from day care. When we got there on Monday afternoon William took a quick look at Austin, then saw me, and AUSTIN was chopped liver. WHOA! He was SO happy to see me. My heart was overflowing.

Other than when William will learn to talk (which I have heard is roughly around 12 months???) we are past the point of constant milestones. Now its all about the little things. Watching him climb all over things, appearing to be taking a nosedive in the carpet only to find that he lifts his head just enough to keep crawling past the obstacle. Watching him get more coordinated with walking while playing with toys, or seeing the reasoning going on in his brain as he chooses to play with a hammer or a wrench. The time of "firsts" is almost done, but the learning and growing is endless! It's incredible! I wish I could write every little thing he does; I wish I could explain how and why he makes me laugh until I cry or makes me forget that there is anything else in this world. But, instead, all I can ever come up with is how incredible he is and how utterly blessed I am to have him in my life. I guess this is why parents always tell their kids that they have no idea how loved they are...because the love is so great that there are no words.

So, William...if and when you're reading this...just know that you can never know how much I love you, as much as it kills me to say those words. While I'm at it, I can tell you all about walking to school uphill in the snow. if you're ever wondering.

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