Dec 1, 2010

Two Times Wednesday

I debated posting last Wednesday, just to keep with William's posts. I debated it long and hard. But, in the end, the last thing I wanted to do was turn on the computer. That took more effort than I was willing to exert. Sorry! Instead, I'll try to rehash the highlights of the past 2 weeks in William's World.

Hmm, William's World. Another potential blog title. Funny how many words I'm finding that start with W. (as now I feel like sesame street with the letter of the day)

I already mentioned how clingy William was on our trip. It was a wonderful feeling to have him know so well who his mommy and daddy are. Proves that it doesn't matter that he spends most of his days with Miss Kim and Miss Jennifer - he knows his parents. At times it was a bit daunting because we wanted our families to be able to enjoy him, and we wanted to be able to go to the bathroom in peace, but it was still a wonderful part of our week. And he's been extra cuddly lately! So, combine clingy with cuddly and you have the best snuggles all day long. On Monday when I was back at work I couldn't figure out what felt so weird and I realized that it was the fact that I didn't have a sweet baby's head laying on my chest with his arms around my neck. I love that cuddle bear!

He did have fun exploring on the trip once he was comfortable though. He was in heaven when we realized that the kitchen cabinets in Freer and at my mom's house didn't have locks like ours, but he wasn't too happy when we held them closed with our legs. He is getting more and more frustrated when things don't work the way that he knows they are supposed to. I used to think you could just trick babies into thinking things like "oh, i guess that cabinet just doesn't open" But NO. He doesn't think that at all, he knows exactly how we're keeping them closed and he does NOT like it.

Another thing that we learned that he likes while we were in Texas was TVs. He doesn't care really about watching the TV (unless it's Wheel of Fortune! that's my boy!) but he just likes the actual TV. Our TVs are not near the floor so he's never touched one, but in Freer and in Houston he was able to walk up to them and touch them. And he kept going back time and time again! In Freer he liked to press his ear against the speaker, learning where the sound comes from. And in Houston he stood right at the TV watching the aggies BTHO t.u. What a proud mama he made me!

He was pretty selective on who he was comfortable with during our trip and who he was unsure of. I felt bad, but I know that his selection was based on nothing - he's just a baby! He just had a lot of new people and new surroundings, and had to try to absorb it all. The only person that he instantly liked, without any hesitation, was his uncle brian. Why him?! I really don't know. He crawled right up to Brian not 2 minutes after he'd walked in the house in Freer. At first we all thought he was confused and thought those were daddy's boots and daddy's legs...but once he had climbed up his legs, stood up and looked up he knew it wasn't a familiar face and he still wanted to be picked up! Maybe he just knew Brian needed a nice welcome home :)

When I dropped him off at school on Monday morning Ethan's parents were there. Ethan is the one who wore the UT outfit months ago, if you remember. His dad was surprised WIlliam wasn't in an aTm shirt, but we don't have any cool-weather aTm clothes. Sad day! His parents said that over Thanksgiving Ethan had started taking a few steps, and Miss Kim said "uh oh, guess that means William will want to". Ethan took 3 steps up to me after his parents were gone, and William was very jealous. That afternoon when I picked him up he took 4 steps to me! These steps are different from steps he's taken in the past. A few times we've been able to let go of his fingers once he's already in motion and his body just kind of moves with the momentum. But this time he started from a standing position and took 4 solid steps. Melted my heart! Definitely the happiest part of my day, and what a day to do it!!! This morning Miss Kim said the most he's taken is 6 steps, and that he is getting more and more confident each time. Pretty soon we'll have a walker on our hands!

He also now has 3 teeth, with the 4th just waiting. We can see the itty bitty tip of it, but it hasn't budged in a week. I'm sure it'll break through soon, as this morning he had a big string of drool hanging from his mouth. Teething is the weirdest little transition, but its so cute. Oh

I had to pick him up today on my lunch break to go for a follow up on his tubes. One of them is clogged with ear wax so I have to give him drops twice a day and then take him back next week. I swear, I had no idea how frequently I'd have to miss work for him. I got slightly frustrated because we were in the waiting room for a couple of minutes, where there were toys for him to play with, but when we were called back to a room we waited another 25 minutes. Try keeping a busy little boy from exploring in a room where there are lots of things he can't play with. Not fun! Why couldn't we just keep waiting in the waiting room? Then we spent MAYBE 3 minutes with the doctor, to find out we have to go back. ACK. I just want his precious little ears to be done. Buuuuut, on the bright side, I sure do love getting to see that lil' guy in the middle of my work day!

I am 100% sure I'm missing major parts of the last 2 weeks here, but I have spent all day piecing this blog together and I think its about time I just let it go. And if I can think of anything I missed, there's always tomorrow right?

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