Dec 10, 2010

A Refreshing Change

It's no secret that I love Colorado, but there are some things that I definitely miss from Texas. Southern hospitality ranks pretty high on that list, and general politeness and friendliness to go with it.

For example, what happened to always taking something to a host/hostess when they invite you into their home? I mentioned something about this yesterday to some coworkers because I was stumped on what to take to a dinner party Saturday night. Generally I take wine - that's easy - but the hosts are Mormon. So, I don't think wine would go over very well :) The people I was talking to looked at me like I had just come from Mars. Take something? Who would have thought.

Then, I went into a Wrangler store last night. It is the first in the world, as I know most of you are reading this thinking "Since when does wrangler have stores?" Since 2 months ago, to answer your question. Anyway, the people in there were SO polite, friendly, chatty and just overall very welcoming. It's a refreshing change from the general atmosphere that I've found up here. People avoid eye contact at all cost - as if to smile and say "hello" would be going above and beyond. People don't say excuse me or wave "thank you" as you let them in during traffic. People don't hold doors open unless you are on their heels, and often look at you as if you're pulling one over on them if you DO hold the door open for them. it's just bizarre.

I do know that it isn't ONLY in the south where this type of treatment can be found. I know that small towns all over have that sort of nature. Denver is just not one of those places. So, even though I don't typically wear western style clothes I may start frequently visiting the Wrangler store just to be treated in that way. It was so nice!

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