Oops. I got sick and I all of a sudden forgot my civic duty of blogging. Apologies.
Austin news: he went on another mission and made it back safely. This one was shorter, and wasn't planned as far out in advance (or to my knowledge anyway) so I wasn't able to worry and stew as much. But thanks to those of you who may have been praying for him. I think I'm going to have to buy stock in his brand of boots because I think he'll need a new pair every month or two with all the mud he tromps through.
And no, the army doesn't issue boots. The army doesn't issue a whole lot, as shocking as it may seem. But they do issue lots of stuff over and over and over that isn't needed. Its the Army, not the Container Store. Organization and Planning are not always at the forefront.
William, he's good. He was sick this weekend and had a rough time. He cut 3 teeth at once Tuesday night so was a bit unhappy about that, but other than that he's his great wonderful amazing happy self. He is IN LOVE with petting our animals nicely. Does it all the time. He also loves to hug them, but reagan sees these hugs as a form of torture. How do I teach William that Reagan isn't the same as Nancy? because so far, he hasn't gotten it.

Brittany and Michael gave William a Black & Decker tool bench last year. It was for Christmas but it arrived on the day of his ear surgery so they let me let him have it. At first he liked it because he could use the bench to pull himself up. Then he started to like to bang the hammer on the bench (or on anything actually) and yesterday he learned that the tools are meant to go in the little holes on the top of the tool bench. He was focused on getting his little drill (which actually works - amazing toys!) into the holes. Precious boy :)

I finally got our backyard mowed and got all of Layla's bombs cleaned up, so William enjoyed some outside time yesterday as well. He loved climbing on and off the patio, but was cautious enough to know that he needed to hold my hand on his way down. I love our patio but had I known that one year after having it built we'd be having a baby, i would have had a little more foresight and built some steps too. Oh well, you live and learn. But he enjoyed throwing his ball on the patio, climbing up to get it, throwing it off the patio, and climbing down to get it. I think its almost time to buy some outdoor toys :)

He also GOBBLED UP a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yesterday. He's never had jelly because I never think to buy it. I never was a big fan of jelly - I learned to like it over time but as a kid I was a bigger fan of "peanut butter and butter sandwiches". please don't judge. Jelly is ok, but if I never eat it again I won't really miss it. So I forget that William might like it :) He LOVED it. More so than plain peanut butter sandwiches, and I refuse to let him try peanut butter and butter. He'll have to discover that one on his own :) There is a boy with a peanut allergy in his class so he rarely gets peanut butter at all, so it isn't like I've been depriving him of the jelly aspect THAT often or anything.
You are probably wondering how we had so much playtime, or room for peanut butter in a peanut-free school, but we had yesterday off. I was sick and wasn't at work and I kept him with me. We had a fun day! I was home sick Tuesday too, but it was not a fun day. I was feeling awful!
I'm back at work today and guess what? I turned in my 2 weeks notice. May 20 is my last day at Western union. I have a job at Great West Life Insurance that I will start on May 31. I will be doing the same kind of work that I do now, so not a lot will change on that front. I am told the hours will be a little better, and most importantly their understanding of my family situation will be better. And, if both of those things turn out to be lies - I can be happy in my decision knowing it's a little more money in the bank. Or William's college fund :)
Speaking of - Someone asked me recently if I regret working with a small baby at home. I know I've blogged about this before, but it just bothers me. Then on the radio this morning they were debating who has it harder - working moms or stay at home moms. We are looking at this all wrong. It's not a competition and its not about who has it harder. It is a BLESSING and a JOY to be a mom, whichever route you choose. Do I regret working? No. William has more money in his college fund than my entire first semester cost and he is 1. If I weren't working, that would not be the case. There are so many reasons I don't regret working. Do I miss him when I'm away from him? Tremendously. But that doesn't make it wrong any more than it makes it right. Why are we so concerned with comparing the two, and WHY are we seeing who has it HARDER? It's a priviledge. An honor.
"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother" ~ Lin Yutang
So why don't we start focusing on that side of it?

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