May 11, 2011

William Wednesday

I almost skipped William Wednesday on account that I don't have that generally mojo that I get when I'm about to blog. I've been waiting all day for it to come to me, but its just not there. But - I'm not a quitter, so I'm gonna give it a try...

Really I don't know why I WOULDN'T have all the mojo in the world cause he had SUCH a great week. His speech is picking up rather quickly now. I will admit, I was worried when at 12 months he only said mama and dada, and by 13 he hadn't picked up anything else. But it was like all of a sudden he started reading the dictionary or something. His favorite word is still uh-oh. It has been for weeks and I don't see it fading anytime soon.

His ball throwing has become more often and more skilled. He has SO many balls and I find them all over the house. Squishy football stressballs, a nerf football, big bouncy balls, golf balls, plastic balls from his ball-popper, aTm soft basketball and football...and plenty more. He finds them all and throws them all. He likes to throw them onto a hard floor so generally at the end of the day the kitchen and entry way each have a nice little collection going.

Sunday we had our weekend webcam with daddy. William gets more and more into it every time - I assume because he grasps it a little better each time. He is rather stingy with his waves and blowing kisses, but daddy got both right away. Then William went and grabbed his daddy doll and the book Austin recorded, then came back and sat right in front of the phone. It was like he was getting all his daddy stuff together at once. Austin and I were both very worried about how this separation would affect WIlliam, and mostly that William wouldn't remember him. But webcam is a wonderful beautiful invention...and WIlliam ABSOLUTELY remembers. He loves daddy, and he loves to perform for him.

He still isn't very interested in cartoons at all. He likes maybe 10 minutes of Bob the Builder, 5 minutes of Sesame Street...sometimes a little Thomas the Train...but really, he'd much rather be up moving around and doing stuff. I love that he is so active and plays so well. I feel like it is better brain development and learning than he'd get off a TV screen, plus it keeps him active which is a good habit for anyone to get into. But man...sometimes sitting down and watching 30 minutes of my buddy bob sure sounds nice!!!

Did I mention in my mother's day post that we went to the park on Sunday? I think I did...and I think I'll have a second post today just for pictures from this weekend because he was so fun. His motor skills amaze me every day. At his 15 month check up he grabbed a I wish I could remember the name...the kind where it's like a tablet with a pencil, and the pencil uses a magnet to pull up black fibers to draw...then you can slide something across the bottom to erase...what are those called? Anyway he was drawing all over the place and the doctor was very impressed. She said his motor skills are very impressive - and I felt my chest puff out just a little more. didn't know I could even be more proud :)

There are so many little stories - I wish I could just carry a recorder around all the time because he just cracks me up. Like last night at dinner. I had made grilled cheese and tomato soup, but I didn't figure he'd like tomato soup. He took one bite of his sandwich and before he had even chewed it he said mmmMMMMMMmmmm (getting louder then softer) and smiled really big. He ate 2 bites but then lost interest so I thought I'd let him try the sandwich dipped in the soup. Then I got an even BIGGER MMMMMMMMM and he ate the rest of his sandwich that way. This morning he was very vocal about how much he liked his muffins, and he acted like he was going to share with me before quickly shoving it in his mouth. Little trickster :)

One morning when I went in to get him I noticed that most of his animals from his crib were on the floor, and some of the folded up clothes that were neatly packed in a box at the end of his crib waiting to be moved to storage were strewn around his crib. I guess at some point he woke up and had a little bit of fun!!!

He laughs a lot. I feel like we could all take a lesson from how happy babies are. They don't have all the stressors we do, I get that, but they are just genuinely happy little creatures. Sliding down the couch makes him happy...if only we could all find such enjoyment in life.

I feel like I've been all over the map with this post, and I guess its the issue of my mojo. It never surfaced, but I did still enjoy recanting my week with little bear. He's just so much fun and brings so much light and laughter into my life. I don't know why I didn't have him 10 years ago! Just kidding :)

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