Aug 10, 2011

Good idea or bad?

Awhile back I had this idea. I was going to send flowers and edible arrangements anonymously to unsuspecting recipients. It wouldn't be on their birthday or any special day at all, it'd be just any day. My note would say something like 'you are more loved than you know' or 'thanks for being you' or something to that effect.

Good idea or bad?

Well, someone apparently beat me to it and I gotta say - as the recipient it's so hard to not be able to properly thank the giver.

Today when I got home from work I had a brown padded envelope in the mailbox. Always a fun day - brown padded envelopes of that size generally only hold jewelry! I got inside and quickly ripped into it to find a brown box. Yay- new jewelry for mommy! Someone must love me!

When I opened the box I found a note that said 'because you have more grace than I have ever seen'

Beneath the note was a rustic necklace with two beads and a charm hammered with the phrase 'amazing grace'.

I have many thoughts here! First I think I should go introduce myself to Webster and find the true definition of grace, because I don't see how that fits me. (though I'll take the compliment any day)

Second, I need to thank someone! I need them to know how they've touched my day! I need to share with them that in lonely times (and not lonely times too!) random acts of kindness can make all the difference in your world. But how do I thank an anonymous gift giver?

Third, I instantly start brainstorming how I'll crack the puzzle. I feel a little guilty for this reaction because I realize people give anonymously for a reason. But I also know that my mind can't handle puzzles. They must be solved.

I have a few ideas of how to go about decoding the mystery, but I am attempting to hold out. I'm going to try to let it sit in my heart that someone out there wants me to know that they think I have grace and that my grace is noticed even when I don't know someone is looking.

1. Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.
2. A characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement.
3. A sense of fitness or propriety.
4.a. A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill.
b. Mercy; clemency.
5. A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.

What a wonderful thing to have someone say about you. If my mystery giver is reading this - I will be forever touched by your note. Thank you.

- manda

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