Less than 48 hours after Austin landed in Denver it already feels like he had never been gone. It feels like we've been in this routine this whole time.
Today we ran some errands, got passports, and got new clothes for my husband who has a 32 inch waist!!! Then we picked William up from school and I cooked chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes while I listened to the sweet, sweet sound of my boys playing together. We agreed it was the best chicken fried steak I've ever made, and I think the secret ingredient was their laughter.
It's been a wonderful 1.5 days and we really have just picked up right where we left off. All 3 of us.
But then there are moments when I'm quickly reminded - he's been gone, and unfortunately he'll go back. When we pulled into the driveway yesterday and I opened the garage door Austin immediately said, 'what's that?'. I looked around, not even sure what he was referring to, when I noticed william's train table that a coworker gave me. I feel like that train table has been in our garage for a long while, and it blows my mind that he's been gone that long. He hadn't ever seen it? He doesn't know where everything is, how we do our daily routine, and a table that I don't even notice instantly caught his eye. It's just crazy.
Then today we were at Zales asking about getting my Mothers day amethysts set into earrings and a necklace and the salesperson told us that their quarterly setting event would take place 'soon'. And 'soon' just happened to be September 2 at 10:00 which is one hour after Austin gets back on a plane.
So even though our family feels like it never missed a beat, there are subtle reminders everywhere meant to keep me aware of the fact that this is just our vacation. It is our wonderful gift from the army which I am SO thankful for, but we aren't done yet.
So for now I'll keep eaves dropping on Austin and William as they bond and play, I'll keep serving Austin blue bell in his recliner as I stare in amazement at his presence. I have looked forward to this for months, counted down for weeks, yet I had absolutely no idea how wonderful it would be.
Their faces say it all.

- manda
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