William's love of water has continued. Saturday night he spent 2 hours in the pool and was very upset when his time was done. The only way I got him to quit kicking and screaming was the promise of a bath! So you can imagine how the end of bath time went over!
Monday we were sent home a little early (like 45 minutes, so not TOO early) so when William and I got home I filled up his pool with 'wawer'. he also managed to break the closet door on austin's side of the closet and found his beach toys that I'd been hiding for San Diego, so we took those into the wawer too :)

He is still afraid of his hands being dirtied with sand or grass, so to try to break him of that I lured him to his sandbox and started showing him how to bury treasures and dig them up. He loved the game! Every time he or I buried a toy he'd say 'uh oh' and look at me like 'where'd it go?' Then he would use the shovel and rake to try to find his hidden treasures.

He wouldn't get IN the sandbox, but we made progress. He did dump lots of sand onto his feet with a shovel. I guess feet can be sandy :)
He loves to give hugs and kisses, and he'll go around a room offering both. Along with fist bumps still :) And his teachers say he is still a HUGE helper in the classroom.
He has a new understanding of the word 'hot' and can identify when his food is hot. Even if it's the SLIGHTEST bit warm he drops it instantly and says HOT! Makes for fun dinner time :) last night we had homemade pizza and I may as well have let it sit out for 30 minutes before trying to serve it. But he also understands that the oven and stove are hot, so that's a relief.
After dinner last night I got carried away watching Cupcake Wars and I didn't realize it was 7:30. I looked at William, curious what he had been doing as I was engrossed in sports-themed deliciousness, and he had successfully pulled every single wipe from the wipe container. Oh yay!!! I said 'William can you put them away now?' and he gladly sat there for 15 more minutes stuffing them back in the box one by one. So much for self-feeding wipes. Guess that's what I get for getting lost in sugar heaven. He was entertained though, that's what counts!
He's a little cheese bucket, and with a face like this how I could do anything but smile?

- manda
Ha ha... Joely wore that same shirt yesterday!