We had another fun filled week although I don't have as many stories. Friday I took the day off to take him to his 18 month check up and take care of some other things. Of course he blew the doctor away with how much of a genius he is. Wait, maybe I was the one blown away :) she was impressed with his coordination and ability to piece small things together - and she loved his fist bump :) she said he is ahead on motor skills, right on track with speech, cute as all get out, and has jumped up into the 40% for weight. I think blue bell may have played it's part in that, maybe we'd both benefit by me scaling it back a bit ;) just kidding, she was happy he jumped up in weight especially since he is so tall.
She loved his Elmo shoes, but then who doesn't?
Saturday after nap time we went to see uncle Brian and Katy. William loves uncle brian's house. He knows right when he walks in that Brian will throw him on the couch until he's sick of it, which is awhile!!! I did get confirmation of the doggie door this time :)

Even when the sliding door was open he would follow Katy out the doggie door. His shoulders are almost too wide, and i have a feeling it won't be a fun day when he realizes the doggie door is no longer William sized. I will remember to take his booster chair next time...trying to get him to sit still at the table with all those fun distractions is a losing battle!
Sunday we went to a splash park down the road. I had no idea there were so many fountains! He was cautious at first and I may still have claw marks in my shoulder, but once he warmed up to it he LOVED the park. Lunch? No thanks. Nap? No thanks. Busy boy!!!

We will definitely be going back, hopefully when daddy is here!!! And this time I may decide against wearing blue jeans :)
Yesterday I managed to get him to wear shoes other than Elmo, but he still didn't want to take them off at bedtime. How could I say no??!

So sneaky me I just took them off when he was asleep so his poor little piggies could breathe!
Only 2 more William Wednesdays (or timothy Tuesdays) until daddy is home. Get excited!!!
- manda
Him and B are destined to be best friends...both love the doggie door and sleeping in their shoes! :)